Shadow Leader

At the Start
Nov 9, 2003
Apologies if I have mentioned this before ~ then again I feel it must be said again.

Anyone who has been lucky (?!?!) enough to visit Kempton Park over the last year or so should be only too aware of the abomination that is KPTV (Kempton Park TV - imaginative, eh?) - hell, you can't miss it since it's broadcast at a few hundred decibels for most of the evening, with accompanying pictures of the two goons that tend to front it - Anthony Kemp and his fat mate Steve.

Now, both this pair love the sound of their own voice and won't shut the hell up - talking shite all evening. They're a right double act, flirting with each other all night whilst Kemp tips up the favourite [without fail in every race] and fat gimp Steve either uses his "lucky pin", goes for a name he likes or tips up the second favourite.

This is cringeworthy, vomit inducing crap which makes me want to attack the pair of 'em with my sticks. Judging from the howls of derision and periodic yells of "feck off" screamed at the screens several times a night, I am not the only one.

Even the press are ripping them apart now - neither one of them dare show their face in a pressroom for knowledge they'll be torn limb from limb! Kempy (or Campy as he is 'affectionately' known in many quarters) took great delight one evening in admonishing Cattermole on-screen for commenting to him "I don't know how you get away with it" ~ the gimp thought Cattermole was joking!

I'd dearly love to start a campaign to get rid of the pair of 'em before I do serious damage to one or both of them - which is inevitable, I'm afraid.

Are there any other KPTV gimp fans out there??!?!
Well, Shads, I haven't been to Kempton since 1962, but I share your views on the lovely Anthony do these useless feckers get the gigs. He was presenting for RUK last Saturday...............ughhhhh.
Christ only knows, Colin - and with regards to this pair that question is asked regularly, by their contempories too!

Senility or something must be getting to me since on re-reading the post this morning I realised I'd said he's known as "Campy" in some quarters when it's actually "Campo". I'm losing it!!

Anyone going to Sandown this weekend will be privileged to hear Campo spouting his crap for all and sundry at the top of his voice also - some idiot gave him the Sandown gig too. He just loves the sound of his own voice and can't shut the hell up. He was horrendous on Whitbread day and decided to take over the rostrum put up for the awards made to the champion NH jockey for the day!
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I used to work with Campo at Ladbrokes where he was one of the in house broadcasters, as was Alex Steedman. The policy at Ladbrokes was to have "no dead air" which meant that the team were asked to prattle on endlessly, even when there was no live action which could prove most annoying for staff and punters alike. Mr Steedman has proved a revelation since taking his RUK gig and is an excellent summariser and underrated commentator. Campo's just a bit pants, bless him, and continues to spout meaningless and/or clueless guff.
Alex Steedman is also a dead ringer for the junior officer in "A Bridge Too Far" who warns Lt Gen Browning (Dirk Bogarde) that the reconnaissance photos show a German Tank Battalion in the woods, and that Operation Market Garden should be called off!!
Well, Shads, I haven't been to Kempton since 1962, but I share your views on the lovely Anthony do these useless feckers get the gigs. He was presenting for RUK last Saturday...............ughhhhh.

That was Steve Beal Colin not Kemp although he's just as bad. They are not alone, what about Lorna Bradburne at Newmarket or Mike Vince at Ascot/Nottingham? The non stop verbal diarrhoea is enough to put you off going racing as much as GG commentating although you can't escape it even sat at home.
I blame Ladbrokes ~ all the above (with the possible exception of Mike Vince) have done stints as broadcasters for the Magic Sign. Lorna is an excellent MC though, and does very well at Newmarket imo, but I'm not a particular fan of her in a broadcast booth.
Dante, Beal was doing the punditry, Kemp was presenting..........unless I've gone totally doo-lally.

Or was it Andrew Barr and Beal .....or two totally other different feckers............I don't care no more, I tell you .......I DON'T CARE.............they're all useless talking 'eads.:o:o:o
Probably nowhere near as bad as the KPTV duo (Shads, you're beginning to sound militant!), but Colm Murray's rambling can become quite annoying as well.
Trust me Trackside, listening to Campo and his gormless sidekick broadcast at several hundred decibels is enough to turn the most mild mannered person into a potential murderer!!! :D
It was Steve Beale and Andrew Barr on RUK last Saturday. One couldn't speak, the other had nothing interesting to say.
Would that be Campo's pet chimp? I don't know Steve's surname from KPTV, he tends to be known as "the fat gimp"....
Oooh er Missis!! Luckily I've trained myself not to listen to anything on the course loudspeaker sytem until a race starts.
Whether you choose not to listen or not it's a bit hard when it's broadcast so damned loudly and you're situated directly below the tannoy.
Have to say I like Steve Beale alot athough I haven't heard him on TV for a while. I used to sit next to him at college and he is a really nice guy. I used to think he was ok when on whichever channel he was on but obvioulsy not anymore. Hes never worked within the racing industry as far as I know but was mad keen on journalism when I knew him. He made some very nice comments on air about me once so he must be ok still!
Is he the round clueless guy that flirts with Campo all night on KPTV though?! Sorry, I don't know his surname and I wouldn't know who Steve Beale is. Sounds like they could be one and the same though - and if so, I find him irritating as hell, second only to Campo!
Ah, he is the Hardy to Kemp's Laurel then! Cheers DJ.

I'm sure he's a perfectly pleasant bloke but he, and his sparring partner, are irritating as hell onscreen.
Well here's a turn-up for the book; as Mr Kemp is busy at Goodwood tomorrow, yours truly has been asked to do "In The Spotlight" at Sandown. Thankfully, it will only be televised on the track's CCTV and there's no chance of me scaring the children. I promise not to talk rubbish!
Is Kemp the black lad who often paddocks for William Hill, cus I was by him at Newmarket and I thought he sounded a proper idiot.