Ken Pitterson is a well respected paddock judge.

Kemp on the other hand, is a buffoon.

I've told you once, Delargo - I'll tell you again - you morph into anything remotely resembling him in actions or deed I will personally kick you into next century!! :D
No - but he's a very pretty little boy :p
Marco Botti was very fatherly - or big brotherly - to him the other day at Gt Leighs when he'd won a race: it was quite touching
So far my main aim is to point out that Andrea Atzeni is not a bloody girl!

She must be fit with a name like that, Rory. ;)

What didn't you like about Ken Pitterson, Chris? I've always found him to be a very decent judge (admittedly only on the rare occassion I listen to Will Hill radio) as well as a stand-up guy.
Apologies if I seem to be bigging myself up here ~ I got the job because I randomly met a friend (who has been doing said gig on and off for a while) for a drink last night and he recommended me for the job as he wasn't free tomorrow; I'd love to say that I then wowed them with my delivery but the fact is that the company who run the PR aspect at Sandown (Jonno Spence Productions) have found themselves with no-one to bail them out so they grabbed me with both hands despite my dubious credentials.

The lesson here is that if you want to get ahead in broadcasting, you should drink more; it turns out that I could have got a job in televised poker too ~ the only other punters in the pub were Jesse May, Mad Marty Wilson and his entourage who I also ended up chatting to ~ whoda thunk that alcoholism could be so good for the health?

For those forumites who have worked in betting shops (a fairly significant number I guess), Marty is essentially a con artist who entertained his audience with betting shop scams he had pulled to fund his poker playing (he happily claimed to be the original "pencil man" as well as to starting the hole-in-one coup which effectively bankrupted Surrey Sports in the early '90s). Very amusing fella, though.
All of a sudden this place is falling down with racecourse commentators and pundits. Good luck with it.
She must be fit with a name like that, Rory. ;)

What didn't you like about Ken Pitterson, Chris? I've always found him to be a very decent judge (admittedly only on the rare occassion I listen to Will Hill radio) as well as a stand-up guy.

Was near him at Newmarket and I couldn't help but overhear him talking to what I presume was William Hill, he would contridict himself and keep going on about the negative appearence on fitness strengths of horses in an unraced horses maiden.

I appreciate he is good at what he does, but as someone who paddocks over 200 meetings a year, esp 2yo races, its pretty near impossible to say if a horse is fit or not on debut. Unless you have seen the stature of that horse on the gallops or at home, you don't know if its just a stocky type or perhaps its just a big type that will carry condition.

The horse went on to win by 6l, and I personally just shook my head, as it was the stand out nice type in the paddock, and whilst she was a strong holding type, to clasify her as unfit was severley inaccurate.

I have heard him at a few tracks and he does sound good some of the time, but to me his comments surrounding the Gosden horse were misleading.

The other thing which made me shudder was at Newbury he was stood discussing form with that 7ft 2" gormless idiot who often gets on RUK but has a brain the size of a pea. I thought jesus if you need to talk form to him your in trouble.

I remember seeing the big gormless guy the night my horse ran at Kempton. There was a weak race on the card won by Title Role and I did chuckle to myself when he was talking about the race as if Wragg's only had to turn up, despite being covered in sweat on what was a cold day.
The other thing which made me shudder was at Newbury he was stood discussing form with that 7ft 2" gormless idiot who often gets on RUK but has a brain the size of a pea. I thought jesus if you need to talk form to him your in trouble.

I remember seeing the big gormless guy the night my horse ran at Kempton. There was a weak race on the card won by Title Role and I did chuckle to myself when he was talking about the race as if Wragg's only had to turn up, despite being covered in sweat on what was a cold day.

Oh crikey moses Chris - you're treading on very, very dodgy ground now!!!

This "gormless" guy you are ripping apart sounds exceptionally like you are describing Eddie "The Shoe" Fremantle. Eddie is one of the most respected judges on any racecourse and has forgotten more than you know about racing.

As for "brain the size of a pea" - I'd like to see you - or most other people - try to measure up to him intellectually!!!! Eddie is highly intelligent, just quiet spoken and not the fantasist type who goes around shouting his head off and trying to convince other people he's something he's not. It's just not Eddie's style.

I'm sorry Chris, but if you actually want to get anywhere as a "journalist", it'd pay you not to slag off some of the most respected people in the business, not least when you patently know nothing about them.

Not once have I ever heard anyone describe Eddie as you just have.
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Oh crikey moses Chris - you're treading on very, very dodgy ground now!!!

This "gormless" guy you are ripping apart sounds exceptionally like you are describing Eddie "The Shoe" Fremantle. Eddie is one of the most respected judges on any racecourse and has forgotten more than you know about racing.

As for "brain the size of a pea" - I'd like to see you - or most other people - try to measure up to him intellectually!!!! Eddie is highly intelligent, just quiet spoken and not the fantasist type who goes around shouting his head off and trying to convince other people he's something he's not. It's just not Eddie's style.

I'm sorry Chris, but if you actually want to get anywhere as a "journalist", it'd pay you not to slag off some of the most respected people in the business, not least when you patently know nothing about them.

Not once have I ever heard anyone describe Eddie as you just have.

This guy wasn't him I'm sure, this lad was "fake" tanned and prob very thin, looked a bit like an older Matt Chapman, I've seen him a few times on RUK occasionally presenting with Mark Howard up north.
It was the description of said person being 7ft2" that led me to coming to that conclusion Colin - Kemp really isn't so tall that he could be described in such terms.
It was the description of said person being 7ft2" that led me to coming to that conclusion Colin - Kemp really isn't so tall that he could be described in such terms.

I'm not sure hwo tall this guy was but he towered above Ken, he would have been your age at the eldest Dom, so early 30s.
No idea who you're talking about then Chris! Especially if this person is someone you've seen with Ken at Newbury and Kempton, there is no-one else I can think of in the Southern pressrooms who would come remotely close to fitting your description.

The only person I can think of who'd be described as that tall is Eddie, I'm glad that you weren't talking about him.
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Could it be Alex ?????(can never remember his surname), the Scotsman who lives in London but quite often does the Northern gigs.

He's nowhere near as tall as Eddie but would probably be quite a bit taller than Ken.

But Alex is also a very nice chap and modest with it.
No idea who you're talking about then Chris! Especially if this person is someone you've seen with Ken at Newbury and Kempton, there is no-one else I can think of in the Southern pressrooms who would come remotely close to fitting your description.

The only person I can think of who'd be described as that tall is Eddie, I'm glad that you weren't talking about him.

No I know who that Eddie is, if you mean the bloke who writes for the Guardian i think, used to read his collumn. As like moppy hair.

This guy could have just been a punter that hangs around with Ken, but he was saying how nailed on a thing of Wraggs was when it looked like it was a Mr whippy ice cream.
That's the guy, almost as nice and modest as me, but obviously doesn't pinch the last slice of pork, not looking at his figure anyway.
Mr Steedman was outed tonight as a bit of a hard man on the football pitch (he does look vaguely like Joe Jordan I suppose) by Tim Peters who was the paddock announcer at Sandown tonight. Unsurprisingly, I can confirm that Mr Peters is a very nice guy, and modest to boot. I don't believe I made a complete tit of myself and even napped Pegasus Lad to win the 2yo maiden.
Cheers Colin ~ it went pretty well although Tim was a big help; he was good enough to join us (myself and young Mr Grayson) in the restaurant afterwards for a chat and a drink. I was fairly nervous but it helps when you can talk about something you know very well so fielding questions about recent formlines and stable records was almost relaxing. They race again next Thursday, so I'll find out soon enough if I cut the mustard.