Krizon will be pleased

I'm very pleased for Lingfield, Grey. For several years, it had disinterested managers whose negative attitudes eventually wore down the permanent staff, even wiping the smile off us less-stressed raceday casuals as we watched flowerbeds die and get riddled with weeds, toilets fail to work meeting after meeting, and appalling ineptitude in handling hospitality clients. Paul Shrimpton has not been in his post very long, but has stopped all that and greets staff, the public, sponsors, the lot - every race meeting, always smiling, upbeat and proactive. The flowerbeds and the overall grooming of the course is now a delight to see, and everyone gets the sense of being more of a team. The hotel guests I've spoken with have all been very pleased with the service, the food, and the rooms.

I'd also like to use your topic to flag up another well-deserved award - this one as an Investor in People Award to NH course Plumpton. Again, another course with a very engaged, charming, and proactive manager in Claire Sheppard, and a cheerful, approachable Clerk of the Course in Mark Cornford. Needless to say, none of us can wait to see CUE CARD next meeting! :lol:
I went to Lingfield for the first time a month or so ago and was most impressed with what I found. It far exceeded my expectations.
At this rate it'll be waterlogged at Plumpers.

Hope not as it looks like cutting up into a pretty small field should he go there (Cucumber Run & Kumbeshwar the other horses of interest in the race).

We should know more tomorrow after the decs for Ascot come out where Cue Card has an alternative engagement in a warm looking Grade 2.

Hopefully we'll be back at Lingers in the New Year with Frank and that he can mop up more handicaps there prior to a full crack on turf next season.
But if he wins at Plumpton, and then at Cheltenham, he'll be one of few to be rewarded with the £60,000 bonus, Arkers, so it's well worth him trying to get round!

That's very good news about dear wee Frank - I look forward to seeing his red hair flying down the straight! (Well, attached to the rest of him, of course... )
That was certainly swaying Colin Tizzard towards going on Monday instead,it's just the ground that worries me as he has never raced on heavy.
It was soft on his bumper debut but the majority of his runs have been on good ground.

As for Frank it'd just be nice to have a real go with him as every time things get going he picks up some little niggle.
By the time he returns he'll have had nearly a year off.
Still they believe he has plenty more to offer and if all goes well next year some ambitious plans could come to fruition in 2013.
That's very good to know, Arks - he's a super, sincere fellow and it's just such a shame that, as you say, he's had snags and niggles to stop his impetus. I've lost track of how many you're involved with now - three, four?
I was at lingfield during the summer for the first time in a few years and thought the place had a great vibe. Met krizon too which didnt spoil the day
Damn! In spite of the old crone's best efforts! :D (Must remember to put fresh AA batteries into the Tazer next time.) It's always lovely to see forum members - last meeting and today had good natters with one of FF's stalwarts at Lingers, often see Irish Stamp and Arkwright, none of them suffering any lasting trauma, I believe.