land of the free and the home of the brave


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Have Sony humiliated America?

and what does it say about the multi nnational high tech world of Sony when the peasent economy of North Korea can reduce them to working with pens and paper again
what does it say about north korea when they spend time and money doing that rather than feeding its people or executing those that dare watch a chinese tv programme

or does that really need saying
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Have Sony humiliated America?

and what does it say about the multi nnational high tech world of Sony when the peasent economy of North Korea can reduce them to working with pens and paper again

No..think thats a bit of an odd assertion tbh..but I know you hate the maybe not

Sony have made tits of themselves and no one else,,,,the fact they have bowed to a terrorist threat is their issue not the USA's.

If you are going to make a film like might just cross your mind at some point that to show it in any cinema would threaten the safety of anyone in that cinema? We aren't depicting a normal person you know straight away you won't get a normal response..don't know about you but i don't picture Kim visiting a Comedy Store on too many occasions

I'm all for freedom in film making..but i'm also for common sense...and there wasn't much used when putting this together.

Why would a whole country be humiliated by a few idiots?..I'm not seeing that at all Warbler...could you explain the humiliation for me please?

I would say if they showed the film..and any cinema got blown up and US citizens got killed..then i think the USA would look fact look absolutely stupid.

I think the USA have enough folk killing their citizens..without inviting more on their own turf..over..a f00kin film ffs
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A country that signs off its national identity by calling themselves the "free" and the "brave" then veru public demonstates that they aren't free or brave enough to watch it. Strange given how many all action hero films of bravery that Hollywood turns out and as soon as a mad medieval monarch hacks their computers and threatens them they baulk.

I'd agree that American's are more likely to be under threat from fellow Americans than they are from North Koreans though, and whereas you might not think the whole episode is embarrassing to American prestige, at least their President does
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Sony aren't America..they are a business..i doubt very much they want to bring a film out..then possibly have some terrorist incident forever linked solely with their name.

Its bugger all to do with the president..he can afford not to bow to terrorist demand...a business cannot. The fact the business now look like fools..will pass...whereas a load of deaths at Sony's door would damage their name..something some dick head should have spotted before they got involved in this.

i don't see any embarrassment ... Obama wants to keep out of other people's affairs really.

Its not even a hard situation to read..its purely damage limitation to a business..its got bugger all to do with USA as a country..only USA haters could possibly make it in their minds somehow a USA issue
Crikey you've taken a leaf out of Clives book. Congratulations in joining him. Just don't ever complain again though if anyone describes you as a jew hater or anti Israeli though will you.

Sony for their part incidentally are prepared to screen it, it's the American owned cinema chains that are refusing
I haven't taken a leaf out of anyone's book...i'm just stating what looks obvious to me. I think Sony will be relieved the cinemas won't show it..and they won't show it for the same reason Sony ought to be aware of themselves..they don't want people being killed in their cinema's..would you risk your business for something so stupid?....any deaths or related incidents would fall on them same as it would Sony.

I'm not defending what they are doing Warbler..what i am doing is looking at it if it was my company. Personally i don't agree with bowing to a nutter like this..but lets be honest..its a film...and a pretty stupid one ...its clear in this world we don't need any more people lining up to kill us do we? we really want on top of all the sh1te we have queueing up add another dickhead to the list?..really?

The fact that Obama is expecting a company to risk professional suicide to suit his stance isn't really realistic..its all right for Cameron + Obama to do it...they really have no can't bow to threats...but they don't run a business...and they do it due to serious circumstances we face with terrorism ..not due to some daft film thats irrelevant and could cause needless fallout

Sony need to have a good look at themselves...the decision to be involved in nonsense like this without thinking about the consequences is extremely foolish

Sony are the embarrassment..not the USA in this
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In fairness, I thought you were parodying Clive having so blatantly twice lifted his lexicon (minus the word 'vile') to apply a broad brush dismissal of alternative views. I've got no problem with doing this in honesty. I think it's mildly amusing in places

I think your take on Sony is likely wrong though. Badly wrong.

They've lost money on this film and are openly blaming the distributors whilst saying that they're exploring other platforms. I suspect they want some money on their film and it seems to me that they're putting that first. If they were that concerned they could have pulled the plug at anytime themselves, but they haven't
oh i'm sure they want money from it..and it will be released..but it won't be released in a cinema setting

i don't think i'm wrong about Sony...they must realise that any deaths through this is very bad for business...but because they are a business..they will sell their soul to the devil to get money out of it.

I'll say this..i doubt they would have the balls to show this in any cinema even if allowed..its actually done them a favour it not being able to be shown there....all this publicity + future DVD sales will get them a good return..without risking a flattened cinema. They are blaming the cinemas..buts that refusal to show is now very convenient for them...they can blame someone else..again..not got the balls to admit they have dropped a major b0llock with the whole project
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You might also like to point out how Obama was reduced to pleading a few years ago for some mad pastor not to burn copies of the Koran, even though he was free to do so. Fast forward and Obama is calling the cinema chains cowards and threatening retaliation against a nuclear power (I'd imagine the Japanese might be a tad more nervous than most countries)

Either act is provocative, burning Korans for publicity, or making silly films for profit
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No that's definitely you that started broadening out the idea by claiming to 'know' that I hate Americans (you know that do you?) and ... "only USA haters could possibly make it in their minds somehow a USA issue". You sound just like Clive. Swap the word American for Israel or jews and read that blind and I suspect well over 90% would identify Clive as the author. I would point out that the thread title are the closing lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner, and the post is asking a question. Any hate that has been introduced into this only comes from one persons interpretation

The difference is that Clive never hands out sanctimonious lectures about his generalisations, trolling, or baiting, or telling people what they should or shouldn't post. If you want to indulge in a trolling arms race though, then fair enough. I think it's mildly amusing given the number of times that you've jumped on him for branding everyone the same, but hey, this is Talking Horses. So far as I'm concerned though, you've pretty well forfeited the right to call Clive out again, for branding everyone with one 'catch all' brush.

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well seeing as a lot of your input is anti Cameron or having a pop at the USA..its not hard to generalise about your views is it?..if in fact you love the USA..then i apologise..there is enough stuff on here though that shows you don't care much for them..this thread for a start...there isn't just myself though that's mentioned you blaming Cameron for everything for a start..others have never accused them of being Clive though..which seems your favourite line at the moment.

i don't care what you post at all tbh..have i told you what you can and can't post?.don't remember fact as far as i am concerned anyone can post what they want..but in the general theme of posting i will disagree with that all right?

You do post stuff to wind people up have near on admitted it

where have i trolled here??

tell you where i wtf you want..and when you get a reply you don't agree with..just say its rubbish or the person is a moron or whatever suits..i don't really care
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you know..i just been looking at the threads on this part of the forum..and i have to ask it worth bothering posting at all on this part of the board ?

the answer is clearly no
have i told you what you can and can't post?.don't remember that.


Your defence of Brand as a stick to beat Clive with is getting more transparent by the day.

i know you probably think we are thick here and you are a superior who consults google a lot..but its xmas..give us a break on the false Brand admiration..Icebreaker has fell for it hook line + sinker..or you and him are giggling behind the scenes..i don't really care which..but i do know that you are not a supporter of a knob like Brand in any way shape or form..but you do see it as a way of winding Clive up

i'll bet i'm right..stick to the witty clever are good at that...the trolling of Clive is a bit obvious..and to be honest its making your posts pointless to a degree..which is a shame and waste

come on..lets get sensible eh?
fair enough..its not telling you what to post though really is it ..its posting to just wind up that i find unnecessary and what prompted that..but IF you weren't doing honest..then i apologise for that post

i can't say fairer than that really

and i haven't posted on here to have a pop at you..i just posted what i think about the Sony stuff

if i have offended you..then I apologise was not the intent
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It's a bit of both

Sure some of its aimed at Clive.

Clive knows that.

Clive will respond in his own way when he chooses. He also knows he can call me as many names as he likes, and it's rarely going to make any difference (ducks back etc)

The bottom line here is we've got a country that celebrates it's self-styled 'free' and 'brave' that has indulged in censorship and cowardice, seemingly to the changrin of its President. The contrast with how Obama handled the mad pastor Jones threatning to burn Korans is very relevant, as that was also designed to inflame and provoke

I think you could argue it was a stupidly provocative action by Sony in the first place as Moheat has. I think that's a fair comment

You might argue that America has a tradition of censorship from everything from Greg Lake christmas songs to allegorical episodes of 'The Prisoner'. You might equally say that the Soviet Union banned James Bond films (lucky Russians!).

Sony have said they'll bring it out on an alternative platform, but whether anyone will trust the security of their digital downloads now is anyone's guess (rather take their chance in a movie theater)

It transpires now of course that North Korea have offered a joint investigation with America, provided the American's don't use torture to extract information from anyone they choose to interview :lol:. Never associated them with a sense of humour myself, but that's probably the best one I've heard since Fidel Castro offered to send independent electoral observers to Tallahasse to help Jeb Bush count the votes for his brothers Presidential candidacy
I'm not going to read through and am not interested. I don't find North Korea to be a state that's cause for amusement.