Land Rover sale


At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
Was at the Land Rover sale in Goffs today looking for the next Brave Inca!! Was pretty disappointed with what was on offer. Or maybe I'm just getting very pickey in the current economic climate.

Top lot only €85k which is a long way off the heady days when there would be several €100k lots. Average was down from €25k to €16k which is nearly 40%. While Colm picked up three for €9k, €11k and €24k I think we'll wait and see what's on offer tomorrow or the Derby sale. The nicest, racier lots went through from 1 to 30 and then it seemed to get into the bigger, bulkier longer term types.
With a syndicate there isn't much point buying something that you know will take time so we try to find those types that are ready to rock and roll within a year. doesn't always work out that way of course. But what was noticeable today was the number of new stallions with progeny on offer or the number of less known national hunt sires. In this bracket I'm including Milan, Catcher in the Rye, Pelder etc etc. Lads were saying how light some of the pedigrees looked. Ans at a premier sale you don't expect to see horses that have dipped backs, are extremely light or who move poorly. but there were plenty of these around today and that was just me listening to others.
Ok, he said new or less known - Pelder's been around for ages, so plenty known. By ages I mean over ten years, I don't think he counts as unknown and he certainly doesn't count as a new stallion.
On the punting front, Pelder's offspring to run in Britain have returned a profit...

8 wins from 71 runs (11.3%)
+£129.00 to a £10 level stake

Nero West (33-1) and Monticelli (16-1, 7-1, 13-2 and 4-7) were responsible for most of the gains.
Ok, he said new or less known - Pelder's been around for ages, so plenty known. By ages I mean over ten years, I don't think he counts as unknown and he certainly doesn't count as a new stallion.

He's not well known in Ireland among the national hunt trainers. That's what I meant. Just about to head out the door again. Will let you know how trade is later.
Fair enough, I'm just surprised. I'd have thought that any stallion that has been having runners for ten years or so wouldn't be an unknown.

I've come across animals out of Pelder and as a consequence wouldn't touch any of his with a bargepole. I don't care if they return a profit or not punting - it's not a factor I figure in if buying a horse - the ones I've come across have been horrible creatures and bloody useless.
Well the sales today were a bit of a shock. Most comments were on the poor quality on show and either a nice horse with a poor pedigree or a good pedigree but a poor specimen. One lad said that some people just didn't bother prepping the horses for the sale as it wasn't worth the investment. Average today was only €7k and despite an extra 50 or so lots compared to yest, only a few extra sales so plenty going out unsold.

Colm only bought one today, a cracking looking Dr. Massini. The latter is a bit of a problem for me but Colm was happy to take a chance for €12k. I had the choice of taking any of Colm's four purchases or wait for the next sales but I quite like the Definite Article he bought yesterday although I thought we might find something nicer today. But alas no so I've taken that one. Lot 161 and link to photo (not a particularly good one) is here with link to his pedigree here (you need to put in lot 161)

Finally, two shares available if anyone's interested :whistle:
On that photo he is the spit of my Definite Article mare. Stacks of ability but more problems than you could dream of! Bought her as a yearling (she was out of a Danehill mare) & eventually ran her at 5 where she was a good 2nd in a bumper to a Jonjo O'Neill horse - her only race - before getting a leg. We ended up keeping her and she has a nice colt foal this year after having problems getting her in foal initially.
Best of luck with him though - I'm a big fan of Def Article.
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Go on, give us a rough estimate of what price we are looking at

I can be pretty precise actually!! I budgeted to spend €25k plus expenses like VAT, transport and insurance bringing it to €29k. Split into 9 shares was costing €3,200 a share. I'll be taking a profit going forward (as I am holding two extra shares) but happy to offer to forum members at cost.......for a limited time only ;)

Budgeted annual training/racing cost is €2,500 per share (and includes various assumptions on number of races run in etc) but members only pay actual costs and this includes my management fee. Of course any shortfall would need to be made up but haven't yet had to call on other syndicates to make up a shortfall.

Shares can also be split and I hope Grey would provide a decent reference for me (Grey, Raise The Beat is coming along nicely I hear!).
Good luck with him. Interesting pedigree, a lot of sprinting influence on both sides so hope it will stay well enough for NH.
Good luck with him from me, too! You have to wonder if he will get a trip having AHONOORA both sides of his pedigree but if he does, he should have decent speed to make him a classy prospect and even if he doesn't, there's always a Flat campaign waiting!!
I'd be happy enough that on decent ground two mile or an extra four furlongs would be well within his compass. Looking back in his pedigree, his dam is a full sister to I Remember It Well, dam of Megans Joy. Megans has a brother by Darnay that Colm has and he thinks he is pretty useful so Colm is getting to know the family very well and you'd like to hope that the sisters will both produce graded winners!!! Funnily enough, our lads dam had a higher flat rating than I Remember It Well!! Not that our lad knows that!!

Anyway, hopefully he will give us a bit of fun and another new sire for us. We now have Good Thyne, Supreme Leader, Beat All and Definite Article so a good mix.
DEFINITE ARTICLE - considered the most physical representative of the BYERLEY TURK line and the definitive TB. (I read.)
Good luck with him from me, too! You have to wonder if he will get a trip having AHONOORA both sides of his pedigree but if he does, he should have decent speed to make him a classy prospect and even if he doesn't, there's always a Flat campaign waiting!!
You've obviously got a lot more practical experience than me Songsheet, but my impression about Ahonoora was that he was pretty neutral in terms of stamina, despite being a sprinter himself. He is the damsire of last year's Derby winner, for example.
Like three decades of 'practical experience'. Most of your age, rory...

Pedigrees - does anyone seriously breed to those any more, or go by the actual performance of the stallions/mares?