Latest Timeform Ratings

Nearest PN will get to a winner is if he walks into the winners enclosure to say hello to Willie Mullins or Nicky Henderson....I doubt if Gordon Elliot would want to say hello to him do no sense is waiting for Gold Cup day.

He allowed Al Ferof to leave his yard...he could regret that too.

Thank you DG

Vicente in the NH Chase. I can't believe he isn't favourite. He's top rated on ORs and I rate him a lot better than that. He's also been targeted at the race all season, his only entry the whole week and the jockey was booked months ago.

I'm not convinced the faller Blaklion would have beaten him when he won here earlier in the season and he's one of the favourites for the RSA.

The only danger I can see is Native River (which I've backed for the RSA so I'm desperately hoping he goes there but still think Vicente has the beating of him).
If Timeform are doing their job right Douvan will get a 192P rating the same as Sprinter Sacre was given in his prime.

That said he has some way to go yet IMO as I would have had Sprinter a few pounds higher rating than Timeform did

It's not what Douvan beat they are irrelevant it's how fast he covered those last 3 or 4 fences.

He would have beaten Sprinter Sacre by half the run in and he wasn't even flat out.

Whatsmore he did so faster than Sprinter Sacre did in his Arkle and his first QMCC ground allowed for.

This Douvan is going to break the 200 barrier if he stays sound I am certain of it.

Looking at the race rating from Timeform they had UDS so far ahead of SS it was criminal.....amateurs:lol:


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Timeform clearly took a decision a long time ago to go back only so far in a horse's form in order to come up with a 'current' rating so SS's older form would be largely ignored.

I don't know if RPRs do likewie or to what extent. Obviously the 'current' BHA rating is just that.

One thing that struck me during the week and arguably cost me a winner was that when I was 'doing' the X-Country race I ordered the field by OR (you can do that) and focused on the classier ones. It was only after my bet was on (Balthazar King) that I noticed in that week's summary (in the Weekender) of the changes in OR that Any Currency had been raised from a mark in the 130s to 157. Presumably because he was entered in a x-c race for the first time in a while. Had the figure been published at the time of overnights He'd have been ahead of Josie's Orders and behind only Third Intention (ruled out on stamina grounds) and ahead of BK and would therefore have been a bet.

Timeform obviously remains the standard by which the profession in general assess fields. It's pretty obvious the betting industry uses Timeform as its starting point.

I'll come up with the correct ratings later in the week.:)
Douvan rated the same as SS was - what a nice little coincidence that
Yes but probably fair. He's clearly exceptional, and I agree with the TF review that he will be pretty much unbeatable bar jumping errors in whichever division Willie decides to contest.

The last time I was as excited as this about a horse was Kauto Star, and I genuinely feel he could potentially eclipse every one of the stars I've loved watching over the years.
Douvan rated the same as SS was - what a nice little coincidence that

Not Quite Sprinter Sacre was rated 180p the same as Douvan but Sprinter Sacre's rating was revised and he was given a 184 according to Dan Barber

Personally I can't split them Sprinter was the better jumper but Douvan has shown he is unquestionably faster and Douvan could outdo my old pal at the end of the day if he stays sound.
Douvan looked really good last week, and has great scope but at the moment he is not as good as Sprinter Sacre was a novice