Leopardstown Day 2

Bruce Savage's initials indicate all you need to know about him/it. Of course horses aren't self aware, you dingbat. But they are sentient beings and feel pain (rather as we do every time you post) and we, as the most intelligent species on earth, are capable of feeling sorrow when we see them die. But that's probably because we respect them, rather than just view them as a product to gamble on, which seems to be your only interest in their existence. You don't have to burst into tears to feel sorrow, but I suspect some of us might burst into cheers if you'd bugger off and infest somewhere that might find you interesting or amusing.

I'm not a gambler, and you lady don't arf talk some shite!

Makes me laugh, your the sort who got the Grand National fences made smaller.
I've gone in heavily for Our Vinnie. I rarely bet outside of horses I know, but this fella has the makings of a winner. Stayed on strongly in his two bumpers and the form of the Joxer/Mount Colah third reads well. He is not quick but stays on well.
I might talk a lot of shite, BS, but at least I don't bore everyone to death trying to get attention by making inane remarks. You must crack on with those psychiatric studies and see what to make of your obsession with trying to get people to notice you. Yawn...
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But, with respect, it doesn't matter if it bothers you or not. She never tried until it was too late.
But, with respect, it doesn't matter if it bothers you or not. She never tried until it was too late.

Superman would have a problem doing the right thing on that horse. Four seconds in six starts and known to be a rogue. God doesn't even know what's going on in his head.
Superman would have a problem doing the right thing on that horse. Four seconds in six starts and known to be a rogue. God doesn't even know what's going on in his head.

Agree, but that's not the point here. She didn't try, and you have to wonder why. She has to get a ban or people like me will think they are right to rarely bet on irish racing.