Lets all laugh at ...


Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
Chris grayling :lol::lol::lol::lol: anone know how HS2 is getting on it's predicted 52 billion ah yes now a 100 billion...no doubt the Daily mail readers will re elect hi,m scared stiff of the potential ''Marxist'' government getting in:lol:Then today the Ferry fiasco,only problem is it has no Ferries unbelievable stuff,Jacob rees mogg blaming irish givernment,have the brexiteers always got an excuse and blame everyione else for everything!
See another nice piece on Corbyn in the daily mail tomorrow,harrowing storys of how his ex wife was taken on bicycle rides and camping eating baked beans:lol::lol::lol: how they never attended dinner invitations and he wasn't very emotionally in touch with her:lol::lol:..What a ground breaking story..:lol:
A very dangerous man,especially let loose in an allotment..:)

That clown grayling was saying earlier in the week it was the EU's fault,if there wasn't a deal on this :D
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Daily mail covering the book by tom bowyer,what a load of twaddle puerile garbage you could find more damning stiff on 90% of MPS,who is this Tom bowyer seems a bit of an imbecile he ''can't tell the difference between tescos and heinz baked beans apparently'',chilling isn't it?He never read a book in four years of marriage:lol::lol: he's a fairweather Arsenal supporter:lol::lol: he had a dog called mango,liked camping and travelling in europe,makes jam and has interest in manhole covers :lol::lol: who buys this twaddle the blue rinsers...Hes a Dangerous man:lol::lol:this is a vote winner never mind a revelation...

Nice to see on social media everyone sees it from the same view point,a laughing stock..:thumbsup:
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You're trying to get people to laugh in chit chat :blink: Good luck with that :lol:
Just read one of those Tom bower books you will have a laugh,you can even dislike corbyn and see through this pile of pap,they really don't get it do they the press the more they do this sort of stuff the more pro active the young will be on his side,as long as he doesn't hang around for more than a couple of years that's fine by me...
Didn't realise Corbyn had been married to Candice Marie. It's all starting to make sense now....
That name always brings to mind the fabulous Mike Leigh play Nuts in May, Moe. But surely JC was never married to Alison Steadman, so must be another Candice Marie :)
Having read the words in the OP again, think I can see where you're coming from... :lol:
I hate politics, life's too short to get entwined in all that, but did go to the trouble of googling to see if JC had been married to anyone called Candice Marie. This thread could yet turn out to be funny :lol:
My daughters doing her 'A' levels then going into medicine takes 5 years :lol::lol: wants to be a doctor probably cost us 100k leaving the EU :lol::lol: ffs hope education doesn't get given to grayling won't be laughing then...:lol::lol: Come on labour ffs..:lol::lol:
Have to take the mrs on a camping holiday to russia :lol:
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Not one word from Moe, and I know she's been logged in. No more birthday cake for the miserable bint from me! :lol:
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The government will pay £33m to Eurotunnel :lol::lol:in an agreement to settle a lawsuit over extra ferry services in the event of a no-deal Brexit.:lol::lol:

In December, the Department for Transport (DfT) contracted three suppliers to provide additional freight capacity on ferries for lorries.
But Eurotunnel said the contracts were handed out in a "secretive" way.

As part of the agreement, Eurotunnel has agreed to make some improvements to its terminal.

One of the firms awarded a ferry contract, Seaborne Freight, has already had its deal cancelled after the Irish company backing it pulled out.

Shortly after it was awarded the contract, the BBC found out that Seaborne had no ships and had never run a ferry service.:lol::lol:

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has been heavily criticised for the Seaborne deal, which would have been worth £13.8

Grayling reminds me of someone whose picked up a Yes Minister script and has mistaken it for an instruction manual

This whole ferry debacle is a classic case

"We need to show the Europeans that Britain can stand on its own two feet."
"Yes Minister"
"They can't shut us down. Double the ferry capacity tomorrow"
"Yes Minister we're in negotiations with Brittany Ferries and DFDS"
"But they're French. And Danish. We need a British operator"
"Well we might have a problem there Minister"
"What about Sealink?"
"They got sold off when you privatised the railways"
"Caledonian MacBain"
"You can't do that Minister, the Scottish government subsidises them"
"Well find me a British ferry company"
"Well …. there is Seaborne, but they have a few technical issues"
"Technical issues, you're always creating barriers you civil servants. What sort of technical issues"
"Well they haven't got any ships. Nor have they got any crew. Any experience of running a ferry service, and they operate out of port that can't take roll on/ roll off docking"
"I don't care. We need to send a message. Can they deliver"
"Yes Minister. Provided you want a cheese topping"
"That's my decision then"
"And most courageous decision it is too Minister"
"Courageous? What's wrong with it?"
"Nothing Minister, but you might need to tender the contract. It's European public procurement regulations you see"
"To hell with that, we'll show those Europeans"
"Well it might not be the Europeans. It could be other business's"
"But I thought you said we haven't got any Ferry companies"
"What about Eurotunnel Minister?"
"They don't operate ferries. They're a tunnel. Remember I'm the Transport Secretary Humphrey. I know these things"
"Yes Minister you most certainly do. And I'll brief the Attorney General this afternoon. And the Chancellor"
"We can do this from Departmental budgets though"
"Yes we can Minister, but I was thinking more about the legal fees and settlement when you get sued and lose"
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