Lingfield Trends Analysis

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce_Savage
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You have shown on numerous occasions that you either don't understand quantitative methods at all, or you're on a massive wind up. I'm inclined to be kind and go with the former.

Associating an unsubstantiated "trend" among the OHR of race winners with an individual horse whose rating has followed a similar pattern is frighteningly naive at best. Using pseudo-intellectual language to justify said assumptions rather than use any logical analysis shows you to be either a fraud, or deluded.

I too am becoming a little suspicious of our resident "psychologist’s" intent. His latest “theory” reminds me of the theory of Anne Elk (Miss): Theory on Brontosauruses

All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much, much thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the other end.
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Bruce's hobby is horology... it involves a lot of winding-up. If we're going to be picky, may I point out that references to psychologist, quantiative (sic) and research methods, et cetera, do not require capital letters. (It's quantitative, by the way - yes, it goes on forever and looks weird, but that's how to spell it.)
I am on Virgin train now and I am quite peed off with the jibes at my integrity.

I don't really surround my self by negative people so I'll keep posting and only respond to those who are positive in life.
Lingfield Trends
Shabby raincoat
Bri-nylon trousers
Stained shirt
Bottle glasses

Lingfield Analysis
Avoid unless there's Jumps action
Ok can we stop ruining this thread because quite clearly we have a bunch of animals on at the moment and I'm quite disappointed with some of you considering most are well into their 30s.

Can we get this thread on track? Not sure what I have said to upset the applecart, maybe jealousy?
There is no direct scientific correlation with the charts and my theory but I am just trying out some different in my approach to selecting horses and given my opinions on this forum to date I am a strong candidate for most improved award, rarely have I said anything that hasn't been true or come true and only time will help me through this difficult period - new person on the block who's got a good career ahead of him and can turn up out of the blue in an area some people specialise in and mix it just as well profitability and intellectually wise
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Ok can we stop ruining this thread because quite clearly we have a bunch of animals on at the moment and I'm quite disappointed with some of you considering most are well into their 30s.

Can we get this thread on track? Not sure what I have said to upset the applecart, maybe jealousy?

Don't take it personally,'s a forum........f*cking about is allowed.
So you managed to pick out a horse that was at least 8th? and a good 40l off the winner. Great work Savage.
Ok can we stop ruining this thread because quite clearly we have a bunch of animals on at the moment and I'm quite disappointed with some of you considering most are well into their 30s.

Can we get this thread on track? Not sure what I have said to upset the applecart, maybe jealousy?

Bruce, I think that many people suspect you are not being entirely genuine with us. There is nothing wrong with new approaches. Indeed this forum has always welcomed them. Furthermore, the general level of expertise on here is high and no one has the need to feel jealous of anyone else. I suspect that if you look deep within yourself your training in psychological matters will confirm that you are being less than sincere with us. Respect is derived on a mutual basis.
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To each his own, eh chaps?
Don't like it?
So, fecking leave it & try a bit of kindness ... you know, that stuff.

Made me feel quite cross now! :mad:

To each his own, eh chaps?
Don't like it?
So, fecking leave it & try a bit of kindness ... you know, that stuff.

Made me feel quite cross now! :mad:


speaking personally..Bruce pm'd me a while ago and i thought he was being genuine so spent so time trying to assist i'm sorry if you think a few retorts are unfair..but wasting people's time is also unfair..also in future it knocks you confidence in judging whether people are genuine or not.

imo he is taking the piss...which just seems a waste of life to me
Oh, so that was you at Lingers, Grassy! At least I'll know who to look out for in future.

Bruce - you were welcomed aboard by lots of members, many of whom work in the punting business, others who own, breed and work-ride racehorses, so there's a terrific spread of real knowledge on here. But every now and then, someone pops up either trying to flog off their surefire system to instant riches, or decides to set up loads of clearly see-through nonsense and ask for the forum's opinion. The ploy with that being to try and glean as many insights into working systems and, better still, find out who's onto any 'insider' info, and cosy up to them.

And thirdly, there's the spoofer who just enjoys using forums to wind up the membership, which is mildly amusing for a few hours until adult life takes over.
speaking personally..Bruce pm'd me a while ago and i thought he was being genuine so spent so time trying to assist i'm sorry if you think a few retorts are unfair..but wasting people's time is also unfair..also in future it knocks you confidence in judging whether people are genuine or not.

imo he is taking the piss...which just seems a waste of life to me

I understand what you're saying ... just that I don't think extensive dissing of palpably erroneous stuff is worth the effort ... nor dissing the offeror of same.

Anyone for a wee sip now? :)
I understand what you're saying ... just that I don't think extensive dissing of palpably erroneous stuff is worth the effort ... nor dissing the offeror of same.

Anyone for a wee sip now? :)

i know what you mean SS..i'll desist from posting on the thread

tbh i don't think he has had that much of a dissing..certainly nothing nasty..just a bit of banter really..but point taken
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I understand what you're saying ... just that I don't think extensive dissing of palpably erroneous stuff is worth the effort ... nor dissing the offeror of same.

Anyone for a wee sip now? :)

I'm probably a bit guilty of having a sideways pop at Bruce early doors, but I wasn't trying to be malicious. I just found a couple of his posts a bit contradictory.

Regardless, Bruce shouldn't feel he is being singled out for abuse. People get dug-up all the time, and I've had proper jousts with several on here (I always won, obviously - ask EC1 :lol:), but I don't carry any grudges whatsoever, and it's all incredibly civil after the verbals have died down.

And it's the same with Hamm, and the 217 people he's argued with in the last hour.


Barneys happen on here with more frequency than people imagine; flaring up for a bit, throwing out the occassional glowing ember that catches others, and then they die down overnight. Happens all the time. Personally, I find these episodes a welcome diversion from the more serious aspects of the forum (and anyone who disagrees is self-evidently a dick).

Insofar as Newbies are concerned, they are - I think - treated rather well on here. For a place that - allegedly - once had a reputation for being cliquey, I find it a very inclusive place (as I was telling my favoured forumites via PM only the other day :whistle: :lol:).

But I don't think anyone should be immune from verbal assualts, no matter how long they've been on. In fact, I would say I'm probably in favour of it. It sorts out the wheat from the chaff.

In the case of Bruce, his chummy and affable style has perhaps made people think they are more familiar with him than they really are? And this has perhaps led to deployment of said verbal assualts, a little earlier in the life-cycle than usual?

Who knows. You're all wankers anyway.

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