London cost of living

I was going to ask why everybody doesn't just move to Dalkey? Then I thought better of it.
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ffs entertainers in the UK in the last 100 years..and you spell it out of touch are you?

the north isn't made for soft southern pansies..with their soft southern...oooh i can't manage on 200k a year..i just can't ...MPs..and all their other soft nesh ways

i hope you never have to fight northerners in a North South civil'd get bull whipped

I would be worried if I had spelt in right ec:cool:
My mam was from London, well Southall to be exact, and travelled down every now and then to see friends, and she said she would never go back there, I asked her if she had the choice to make again would she stay there or come here , she said here without a doubt, apart from the weather she much prefered it up here, but its all just personal opinion really isn't it.

I love London, for a week or so at a time, I don't think I would want to live there though, just because of the way my life is at the moment, I love being able to just wander down to the beach anytime I want, I'm 20 mins in the car away from countryside, 20 mins on the metro to Newcastle if I want a decent resturant (admittedly theres only a couple in Sunderland!) theres not much I can't get to or do within maybe a 30 minute journey that you can do in London.

Haha yeah we do seem to have quite a few greggs up here, think theres 7 in Sunderland city centre alone.

A friends daughter was up from london for a week last week and she couldn't believe how many free playparks and stuff there was for the kids, how big they were, and how cheap the places that do charge were.

Theres plusses and minuses for everything though, shopping is rubbish, but then the internet sort of covers that loss, still not the same as walking into Harrods though. :D

I'm on the wind up a bit

Then again....after southall.
Richmond is my manor :). Just over the bridge.

Well.. Yes. I think it is the most singularly ethnic area in London I read somewhere. Not a problem of course but must have changed enormously from the old working class suburb it was.
i'm a bit worried i knew it was wrong...dire stuff indeed

When I think of northern entertainers I think of George formby and .... Jimmy saville

Would you believe I worked with a bloke who's name was James saville? He wasn't that old so what his parents were thinking of I don't know

Got enough stick then . God knows what it's like now

He's got no chance of becoming a teacher. Imagine when they get the application form?

You wouldn't name your kid Gary glitter would you. Or hitler
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When I think of northern entertainers I think of George formby and .... Jimmy saville

Would you believe I worked with a bloke who's name was James saville? He wasn't that old so what his parents were thinking of I don't know

Got enough stick then . God knows what it's like now

He's got no chance of becoming a teacher. Imagine when they get the application form?

You wouldn't name your kid Gary glitter would you. Or hitler

Richmond is my manor :). Just over the bridge.

Well.. Yes. I think it is the most singularly ethnic area in London I read somewhere. Not a problem of course but must have changed enormously from the old working class suburb it was.

Lovely place

The weddding was in Syon Hall, which weirdly was where I used to go with my mam and dad for picnics and stuff when I was 3 or 4 years old!

The night before we went for a meal at The Boat in Richmond

which was really good, you been there?

Yeah we moved just as the ethnic change was coming about, in 1973, so quite a while ago!
You wouldn't name your kid Gary glitter would you. Or hitler

I have never ate there as it happens but it's always busy. I know it of course. Hard to miss.

Syon park is great . Not a fan of weddings but that would be some place

Yes. If I could live anywhere in world in would be on Richmond hill. With that view.
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