Longchamp Day 1 Competition Entries

I didn't score - went for the less obvious (or so I thought) in an effort to steal a march! - so since I would need to do the research on dialup I prob won't bother!

Thought the race I first posted for was the first G1, sorry I misunderstood the rules, but no matter

Huge congrats to Longchamp, looks like we are going to have another Lady Winner!

Arkwright might have something to say about that :D

  1. l'Abbaye
    Marchand D'Or 100 win
    Mariol 50 e/w
  2. Marcel Boussac
    Palme Royale 50 e/w
  3. Grand Criterium
    Naaqoos 100 win
  4. l'Opera
    Lush Lashes 200 win
  5. l'Arc de Triomphe
    Papal Bull 100 e/w
    Zarkava 100 win
    Blue Bresil 50 e/w