Longhcmap Saturday

Nothing original, mainly backing horses that have the class to dominate their races, but are coming in with doubts around them. Not always a good approach, but the horses in question seem to go well in October, at longchamp and with cut in the ground:

1:30 valirann
2:08 pollyana
2:40 yellow and green
3:15 cirrus d'aigles
Dastarhon and amaron interesting long shots

Cirrus has his ground and should win

Yellow and green solid
Nothing original, mainly backing horses that have the class to dominate their races, but are coming in with doubts around them. Not always a good approach, but the horses in question seem to go well in October, at longchamp and with cut in the ground:

1:30 valirann
2:08 pollyana
2:40 yellow and green
3:15 cirrus d'aigles

first two winners..one at 20/1..unnoticed..great call
Nothing original, mainly backing horses that have the class to dominate their races, but are coming in with doubts around them. Not always a good approach, but the horses in question seem to go well in October, at longchamp and with cut in the ground:

1:30 valirann
2:08 pollyana
2:40 yellow and green
3:15 cirrus d'aigles

That is a seriously good ticket. Well done.:thumbsup:
top class call
3 winners and an unusal bad ride of Peslier

Cirrus is not the same of the past but on soft ground he can do anything
probably the most underrated horse of a generation
Cheers guys. Had them in singles and a Yankee, so as ever, happy but wondering what might have been...