On a break
This is a horse thats ready to win probably in the next month given some give in the ground.
- on paper looks a pretty average low grade handicapper - but given the correct conditions could be a tasty winner sometime soon.
Overall Record - 98890231390310766094338272760670400459693118915896046 = 9%
Good or Faster
9801907609860045998996046 = 4%
Softer than Good
92330316433272760704631115 = 15%
803107667606704931189146 = 17%
Rest Of Year
98902313909433827200459658960 = 3%
Running within 10 days or less
3130160- 33272660- 4611158- 46 = 21%
Running after 10 days
988- 90293076- 9487074- 00599389- 960- = 0%
Combining those 3 factors gives you
his highest winning mark is removing any runs when above that rating from those leaves
his last run was off 61..he had just dropped from 65 the race before - so his mark is now perfect for the conditions..which should appear soon.
- on paper looks a pretty average low grade handicapper - but given the correct conditions could be a tasty winner sometime soon.
Overall Record - 98890231390310766094338272760670400459693118915896046 = 9%
Good or Faster
9801907609860045998996046 = 4%
Softer than Good
92330316433272760704631115 = 15%
803107667606704931189146 = 17%
Rest Of Year
98902313909433827200459658960 = 3%
Running within 10 days or less
3130160- 33272660- 4611158- 46 = 21%
Running after 10 days
988- 90293076- 9487074- 00599389- 960- = 0%
Combining those 3 factors gives you
his highest winning mark is removing any runs when above that rating from those leaves
his last run was off 61..he had just dropped from 65 the race before - so his mark is now perfect for the conditions..which should appear soon.
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