

On a break
May 2, 2003
This is just the most mental show I have ever seen. Brilliant stuff and it keeps getting better and better. Anyone not yet tuning in, catch up on DVD and start with the second series. You won't be disappointed.
I love it and cannot wait for Wednesday nights to watch it on E4. It's the one night of the week I make an extra special effort to stay awake :lol: Mr GG on the otherhand says it's slow and boring, I can only imagine he's watching something else. Lost is amazing and certainly not boring. I love Jack. Loved him when he was Charlie in Party Of Five and it's nice to see him back on my screen :D
Its got me hooked too but then that's not difficult - I keep watching the following episode on E4 afterwards as well and then getting cross that I have to wait for 2 weeks. You think you've got a character sussed and then they tell you a little bit more abouthem and we still don't know who Kate shot. Mind you I was a bit suprised about Hurley but its tying things in nicely now. Only 4 more episodes to go now!
It's got me too, also hooked on E4 and yawning all Thursday morning every week as a result. Charlie's brilliant.
Jinnyj, I am afraid that there are more series planned so all will not be revealed yet!!
Its fantastic, RTE showed it all here and it finished up a few months back. Thought the season finale was a bit disappointing but there is one particular episode....where the girl has the baby.....that had me absolutely knackered by the end of it cause it was that good.
I'm not sure where you guys are at over there on the episodes, but here in the States we know what Kate did...and keep watching...everyone on this board will like the first 5 minutes of that episode. That episode alone will show you that LOST is the absolute best show on television.

A good site for getting caught up...or just seeing what they catch in the background etc. http://www.losttv-forum.com/forum/index.php
I thought Kate shot her boyfriend???????? Was it during the botched armed robbery of the bank? I know we didn't see what happened but it was hinted at.
Just another badly written fantasy nonsense. Making the story up as they go along....

LIke my 10yo school essays, it will end with the line 'and then I woke up and went to school.'

My problem with it, is that the main thrust is that the gang want to be saved off the island, but they cant get saved, as they then wouldnt be lost anymore. So the suspense in the program is all bullshite getting them no where near their goal. So there's the hatch, the numbers, the heroin, teh guns, the polar bear, the gifted kid, the nonsense, the waste of another 40 mins of your life. It strikes me that the writers had a good idea for a program, got picked up, and looked at themselves, and tried to figure out what to do with it. My guess is that they still dont know where they are going with.

I'm surprised it is so popular among the onion/forum intellegencia.
But judging by your comments Garney you keep watching it :D !

I find it very slow in parts, totally over the top and yet I cannot miss an episode. It's pure entertainment.
I've seen enough of it. Trade off for essentially a weekend in front of ATR/Sky Sports, which I think is fair, but I cant get excited about anything happening in it. (I often tut tut while reading a book, or post idiotic rantings on this forum, for the hour)

No doubt when/if they open the hatch there will be another trail of decisions to be made, building up to a cliff-hanger ending, the outcome of which will mean essentially nothing. But for another trail of crisis decisions to be made, leading to another cliffhanger. All couched in the belief that this is the key to teh island, and understading it will get them off it. It wont. Cack. I think if it was entertaining, I would be able to tolerate it more. I find it boring. Personal opinion of course. I think they should all be trying to get home, but obviously the program will finish when this happens, so it becomes a soap opera among the Charlie, KAte, Sawyer etc. Falcon crest for a new generation.
I agree with MarkEE. Besides the odd film it is the only thing on TV I make a point of watching. This is because it doesn't try to be anything other than entertaining escapist nonsense and that's what I want from my flickering box.
I accept that completely Simmo, and I am not trying to belittle anyone that enjoys it. Its just not my choice in escapist nonsense.
Fair do's Garney. But feel free to belittle - I like to look down my nose at all these watchers of I'm An Arsehole Get Me On The Telly, Any UK Soap, The News, Fricking Space Cadets, Exceedingly Unlikely and Tedious crime based drama Number 2674, Turgid "Real Life" Dramas which serve only to remind you that your existence is only slightly better than the pish you are currently watching and just about everything else.

So wire in.
like it myself, but im especially confused with it as i have it on 3 channels in the house and all at different stages, and im all over the place!!

anyway, what its all about is simple.

They all died in the plane crash, and the island they are on is in actual fact pergetry (excuse spelling), and the way they deal with the events decides their fate. heaven or hell!!!!

its a theory like!!!
Del Boy...the writers have said it isn't a purgatory. That's been brought up many many times, and they deny it every time.
Where exactly are you guys at in viewing it over there? Have they opened the Hatch? I don't want to ask too many questions and ruin it for you guys.

Oh and Kate killed someone much, much closer to her than her boyfriend.

But yea, tell me what you guys have seen, while some episodes in season 2 have been slow...there's been plenty of good things to happen too. Don't want to spoil it for those who enjoy the show.