Lydia Hislop

By the way why in this day and age does racing not even have the same rules between England and Ireland? No hope for anything international then is there?

Indeed - aren't pacemakers completely banned in Australia?
I think it's time to ban pacemakers altogether if the rules can't be enforced and horses from smaller yards not disadvantaged. The current situation has got beyond a joke: it's possible the Irish aren't aware of the rules, but there are enough of them and with contacts in high places, for that to be questionable. And if they aren't aware of the rules, what the feck are the BHA / UK Stewards up to?

I think personally that as Ballydoyle have got away with it more and more, they have become very blase and aren't even bothering to cover up what they are doing. Who could blame them, given they never even get a rap over the knuckles?

The smaller the field, by some odd inverse law, the more the pacemaker falling back is likely to disadvantage the others - except the stablemate/s. A pacemaker is almost bound to disadvantage someone when it falls back and in a small field it's not easy to keep out of their way [esp if they 'move out' LOL]
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it's possible the Irish aren't aware of the rules, but there are enough of them and with contacts in high places, for that to be questionable. ]

The Irish? Funny I have never noticed Oxx, Bolger, Lyons, Weld etc do it in England this year? Perhaps you are referring to Ballydoyle rather than the whole nation....
It's unlikely that anyone at Ballydoyle is unaware of the rule given that the BHA felt the need to bring it in after Heffernan was accused (and subsequently cleared) of team tactics by the Ascot stewards.

Perhaps they think that they aren't breaking the rule? Perhaps the simple fact that the stewards haven't said anything is good enough for them?
Ballydoyle haven't a clue about the rules actually. Additionally, despite the fact they work together all week, eat together and fly to the races together in private planes, they wait until they are standing beside Headstrong in the parade ring to discuss how they are going to carve up the opposition.
I was responding to isinglass:

<< If this rule does not apply in Ireland perhaps it has just never crossed Aidan's mind that there would be any reason not to give instructions such as he does in the parade ring. >>

Some of you Irish need to get over yourselves.
Note I said *some* - and some of my best friends *are* Irish
I was referring to your post (that I quoted) when you said "the Irish" should be aware of the rules. I was pointing out that the other Irish trainers have not breeched the rules.
LOL 'breached'

Ever heard of the word irony? - of course the Irish trainers are aware of the rules - all of them - inc Ballydoyle ffs
Speaking of irony, it would seem that possibly the most creative use of Ballydoyle team tactics (and one of the most blatant to my eyes), those employed in the 2006 Eclipse (even though George Washington did not win), did not contravene the rules in any way!
Getting back (and keeping on track!) a bit...

Golden Sword was given a very tender introduction last night. I am all for giving a two year old a positive and considerate ride first time out, but this was extremely borderline to put it nicely.
I am quite amused by that one too. Very "Landlordy"...

Twill be the coffin ship for me to be sure to be sure....
As pointed out by Richard Hoiles over on TRF, the penalty for a breach of the rule is a suspension of the rider and a possible fine for the trainer (up to £10k).

So not only is the rule a badly written, badly implemented and badly enforced rule, it's also almost completely toothless.