Many Going To Cheltenham?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Seems like virtually everyone I know if off to Cheltenham yet I am not.... :angy:

Many going from here...for how long?
Going Tues and Wed, having work done on our property Thursday so watching at home that day, whether I go Friday depends on whether the work is finished and if I can obtain tickets.
Going in November.I wouldn't like to be going in March unless I had access to a box.Taking the week off work and looking forward to it big time.
In ways I would love to be going...for the atmosphere etc. But whenever I go racing I am mad to find out what connections have in mind for the winner, excuses for the beaten horses etc etc...just the general reaction to the races. I think I would miss that even more at Cheltenham.
We are going all week, although I am getting too old for those crowds and the 4 days wear me out. But I will carry on until I am carried out! (dead or alive) It's my annual marathon. :what:
The benefits of the local College seems to have ensured that I've secured a Club ticket for Wednesday and Thursday at half price :suspect: Must put the words Edward Gillespie and Oxford into Google sometime and see where he studied
Is not the local college a ladies institution---will you be required to provide them with some inside information in exchange for being made welcome????
Eric, I'm sure Warbler's inside leg measurement is a state secret
I doubt even MFI, let alone MI5, has the answer
Going over Mon and coming back to ireland on Sat... Fair looking forward to it !!!
I do not know what state i will arrive back in or how i am going to keep going with the drinking and that !!
Just going to enjoy the experience...
At present I will be there from Monday night but I am involved in the final stages of a the acquisition of a company that has taken me six months to put together. Sod's Law could mean that I am called away to deal with some aspect of due diligence.
Going for the Friday - first time at the festival so I'm looking forward to it. Would have liked to have gone on Tuesday as well but can't get the time off :(
Going all 4 days, but not leaving til Monday week. Like Isinglass, will be going til I'm dead and even then probably joining in!!
Am also going to Punchestown all 5 days so must have plenty of staying power!! :P
I've been a member for over 20 years and I've never missed a festival in that time. But I wasn't in favour of the expansion to 4 days and I don't go on the Friday, partly out of principle but also because I'm in such an exhausted state by Thursday evening I couldn't possibly face the Friday crowds.

Five days at a more relaxed Punchestown however......I think I could cope with that.
I am definitely going on the Friday but looking forward to fitting another day in as well if I can. Maybe the Tuesday!
Wouldn't miss it for the world. And as mentioned on another thread, if anyone fancies joining us at The Plough in Prestbury either before or after racing let me know.
Thanks for your welcome, Colin, Kathy and Zebs. Can anyone explain why my posts carry a rather sinister line beneath my details which says "warning (0%)"?

Is it because I'm on probation as a "newbie"?

P.S. Colin, you wouldn't by any chance be Seabird on TRF?
Michael, nothing to worry about with the warning bar. We all have them. As Colin said, it's from days gone by. There is no probation period. Just post away and enjoy!