Maurice,terry And Ardross?

It's going to be 'humiliating'? Oh, SolerINAAAA... you're not going back to pole-dancing AGAIN, are you? :blink:

On the upside, the tips were pretty good, weren't they? ;)
Thank you Aidan for asking - I was happily sunning myself in the South of France . Sorry to hear about that Mo - all the best mate .

And didn't Merlin say that nothing happened when I went away ........ I see we have had Jejquade II , mark parroting on and i see 221bar1 wittering on again about his banned pal and the sulking duo.
Julie's away from mod duties next week, and Brian is top-hatting it at Nearly Royal Ascot, so you're going to have your work cut out, Ardross! Don't worry about Mark - he's over on Final Furlong quite happily, where I pop in now and again to find the odd non-betting topic of interest. There's a good one today on why horses' shoes aren't screwed in, instead of nailed - just the sort of thing to exercise Shadow's and my little grey cells! :D
I shall be at RA at York too . I see that PDJ has returned from his sabbatical to take away the housepoints and hand out the detentions
I am in favour of corporal punishment. For some people it is the only way they will learn - NEVER, EVER split infinitives on my watch!
Hi James - welcome back! Have you become a teacher all of a sudden? You seem to have been on holiday for weeks....
Welcome back Jimmy one only realises what is missing until it returns :D

It was no coincidence that your departure was noticed at the same time as Lawrence Dallaglio's injury on the Lions tour but I dismissed that because his position is in the back row whereas you like to lead from the front :D

Your caustic wit will as always be welcome :(
Oh, yeah? Wanna try some? h:)

Thing is, 221, it's really odd - I'm not hidden from view, because when I did do a spell of being 'hidden' (how SAS-ish is that?), I was promptly outed by Ardross! You hide your ID, you get publicly outed. You keep your ID open, and the board makes you 'anon'. How queer...
The anon facility is there for a good reason such as if you are so popular and your services are in great demand, you can take a breather and at least have a quiet cup of tea and a woodbine :D
New job is humiliating . In general we're treated like children. Worse than high school , they actually tell you not to use swear words during the course or you'll be disciplined . Not that you were going to until that statement was uttered . After my week one appraisal I'm obviously very talented and seem to have a financial background. I'm not admitting where that's come from . I told them I was into share dealing :D Same difference . I'll give it 2 months , so 7 weeks to go then :P
Don't lose that sense of the ridiculous, Sols - I'm picturing you restraining yourself from a comedy sitcom scene, shouting "Oh, for fecksake!" when they informed you you must'nt swear. Don't worry, it's another bit of usefulness on the CV on the way to something better later. I once spent an entire winter typing envelopes on a manual typewriter in a barely-heated hut, and look where I am today...

:confused: Yeah...