Meet My Friend

Originally posted by BrianH@Feb 21 2007, 07:34 PM
Yellow, green and French trained? Is Foreman going for the Grand National?
No but Innox and L'Ami are ^_^

The frog was leaping out of my hands and landing safely each time on the ground so one can assume it's a safe jumper. I'm 5ft 4 so the National fences shouldn't be a problem :laughing:
DG - great, you can start up a frog farm and specialise in selling the legs to the French tourists. And to keep the little amphibians mobile, you can strap them to disarmed mouse traps fitted with tiny wheels. Or tiny springs, if you want them to be able to jump around. Rivet-boinggg-rivet-boinnggg...
Originally posted by Diamond Geezer@Feb 21 2007, 06:26 PM
Another one has appeared today, as of yet they do not appear to have introduced themselves to each other.
Well they have found each other and I have pictures :ph34r:

Now where's that thread on Forum Porn :P
After 'tad Polish', I'm withdrawing my nomination of An Capall for moderator. I've just had a vision of the future...

DG - aw, sweet. Lots of tiny froglets later this year. And from Tout Seul's remark, it seems that you're already providing an ecological service. Newts next, perhaps, although no newts is good newts as far as frogs are concerned.