Metro bank?

No but in my line I hear a lot

Very very good customer service. Perhaps a little happy clappy for some and apparently they will not stick their neck out in lending, but heard barely anything negative
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A lot of senior management are from the failed Anglo Irish Bank. Hopefully they have learned their mistakes and are not taking bad habits with them !
Banks!!!!!!!!! I hate them all.

On Tuesday the 8th of April I arranged for $aus3,000 to be uploaded into my Moneybookers account.

It usually takes a couple of days but on Friday 11th April nothing had appeared.

We gave Moneybookers the details which they checked as being ok.

They said it could take 5 working days so I waited and waited and waited.

I was on a trip outside the city so never bothered checking until I got back on Thursday 17th April when much to my dismay still zero!!!

Enter Good Friday then Bank Holiday Monday..........if it arrives on Tuesday because of the time difference it will have taken over 2 weeks for me to access my cash.

Do you blame the Bank do you blame Moneybookers or is it some go between playing silly buggers?

Either way someone somewhere is enjoying collecting interest on my money and probably thousands of others.

I would imagine Metro Bank are out to make an impression and even at their worst couldn't compete with the Aussie Bank and Moneybookers who I would find it hard to recommend to anyone.