Mick Fitzgerald

Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
I have been a great fan of Micky Fitz over the years but are those years beginning to show.

There have been a number of occasions lately that lead me to believe he should think of becoming assistant trainer to N. Henderson.

His excessive easing down of Chomba Womba at Kempton and his denial, in an interview later on, that he had been any way in error, a number of rides where he has looked rather ineffectual in riding a finish, his unseating from Hennessy and his ride on Afsoun yesterday.
I think he was guilty of over-confidence/poor judgement on Afsoun yesterday, Colin. There was no need to invite Hardy Eustace into a battle, imo - he could have kicked on a half-mile out, and put the race to bed.
He's always been one of my favourite jockeys. One of the reasons he had delayed his retirement was to ride Trabolgan - he must be desperately disappointed that the horse is sidelined again.
People were saying this about Mick Fitz in the 2004/05 season, then he bounced back with terrific years 2005/06/07. I wonder if he's slightly regretting his decision not to retire this year - he had a very good job lined up fronting some high-powered sports entertainment business. I'm pretty sure he's not going into training - the ranks are already crowded enough with Nicky's Assistants, eg Messrs Morlock and Longsdon, soon to be joined by Jamie Snowden LOL

The yard has got off to a very late start as NH refused to seriously work or school the horses until the weather broke, so I guess Mick hasn't hit top gear either. He's still top man for me tho.
Fitzy has been shot for a good 3 years, anybody that watches races at the gaff tracks during the week would tell you that.
Seeing as CORNISH SETT is going to win the Welsh Grand National will they give Mick the ride again? Or will Liam use his head and get on now before Sam beats him to it!!!
Brendan Powell still rates him as a jockey and has lined him up to ride quite a few of his horses in the next few weeks. I suppose being a jockey himself he should be a fairly good judge although most jockeys go through times when they just don't seem to be able to get it right.
His strike rate over the last few seasons has been: 17%, 15%, 12%, 17%, 16% and runs so far this year at 23% so in the grand scheme of things he's doing fine.
Mick is a very good jockey indeed. He is picked, and valued, by trainers for a reason - you will, as one of them said to me last year, "always get your horse back". That is to say, he will not bottom your horse or leave you with vet's bills to win you a few hundred quid. He knows exactly what he has got under him, and will ride accordingly. If you want a death or glory jock, don't back Mick - but don't slag him off either, when you are just talking through your pockets
Fitzy has never been one of those jockeys I feel could have won on something with a stronger ride and I quite like him as a rider as he is patient and lets horses find their rhythm.

At the end of the day they cant all be like A.P. can they !!
but don't slag him off either, when you are just talking through your pockets

Just because one of your favourites is being criticised doesn't mean that those doing so are talking through their pockets.
It seems pretty obvious from what's been written above that people have been criticising MF for not riding death or glory finishes, and that usually indicates that money has been down, and not collected. I don't mind fair criticism but in this case I think it's entirely unwarranted - and also shows a lack of comprehension of horses/riding - which is not unusual in those who habitually talk through their pockets..
It seems pretty obvious from what's been written above that people have been criticising MF for not riding death or glory finishes

No, it doesn't. In fact Colin and Grasshopper both agreed that he could have given Afsoun an easier race than he did.
Dropping his whip can't have helped on Afsoun but I wouldn't neccesarily go off who trainers such as Brendan Powell (fine jockey that he was himself) put up, hasn't he put up Joe Tizzard quite a lot these last few years?
Fitzy hasn't been riding epecially badly I don't think, he's still a very good horseman and a good jock. All jockeys go through spells when they are riding better or worse than usual and what doesn't help in this case is that Fitzy was riding like a demon last season so in comparison he may not look as good this time round. I wouldn't write him off though nor would I not want him on one of my horses.

Good point about Tizzard, Dante! :laughing:
I think you can only ride as good as the horses you get and Henderson has not been that in form for ages since he had the great season when they won all the big Saturday races.

Yeah maybe age is catching up with him but Fitz is a great jockey and horseman. Wait until the stable comes in form and then judge. I'm not sure they have the fire power they had a few season ago.
Bay Hawk goes to Fontwell tomorrow, and I am hoping Mick Fitz will take the ride. Assuming he does, I will of course pass on all your messages. :P
I walked along side the horsewalk at Sandown on saturday following MF & he was patting the horse on the neck all they way down to the track, it was nice to see :)