Mick Fitzgerald

Originally posted by Kathy@Dec 10 2007, 11:05 AM
Bay Hawk goes to Fontwell tomorrow, and I am hoping Mick Fitz will take the ride. Assuming he does, I will of course pass on all your messages. :P
Tell him his strike rate is down to 19% and it's not good enough :P
He rides 3 of Brendan's at Fontwell tomorrow so let's hope he has a great afternoon and increases that percentage. :D
I'm very happy to see Brendan putting Fitzy up so often, shows he cares about his horses
If as Colin says NH has ringworm in the yard it's not surprising they are quiet and all the more chance for other trainers to get a sympathetic and experienced ride for their new intake
I wasn't being serious, Heads.

As far as I know the yard isn't riddled with ringworm.

It was a reference ot something that happened at the Lambourn Open Day, when the esteemed NH castigated me for touching one of his horses. He said the horse had ringworm and that ringworm is very contagious.
Ringworm IS very contagious!

Can you blame Henderson for not wanting your grubby mitts all over his horses, not least when they've already been all over the snotty noses and ringworm infested animals on show in the rest of Lambourn?!?!
Mick Fitzgerald was on fine form for the Brendan Powell yard today with a 1st and 2nd and a 3rd at Newbury!

Nice work, Mick! :clap:
I wondered who would be the first to say that, Gareth. :D

Just to confirm, they were 3 different horses, in 3 different races


There was a strong word for Valdas Queen (Brendan's winner in the last) which was a great result for the AP Racing Syndicate. You would have thought they had won a million ponds with the roar that went up when she returned to the winners enclosure with Mick Fitzgerald!

Mark Kershaw ushered them all up into the Royal Box for a glass of champers and to watch the re run of the race - they watched it 3 times and the result was the same each time. :D They were absolutely thrilled and couldn't thank Brendan enough as he had an inkling this filly was a good 'un . So good to see some people who have never been involved with racing before catch the racing bug in such a big way.

My Dad was serving homemade mince pies in the stable offices and said Brendan popped back 3 times for a mince pie and thanked my Dad by telling him to have a few quid on Valdas Queen! Seemed a fair swap on reflection. :clap:
Sounds a great day Kathy and I was distraught to miss it - esp as my annual member's badge courtesy of the course runs out this month AND we had a TEC runner today AND Count Kristo was running - but had cancelled my last hospital appt for racing reasons and didn't dare cancel another [not that they couldn't have told me what they had to tell me in a letter - ggrrrrrr It wasn't *that* serious!]

Saddest thing is my laptop was whirring slowly this a.m. when I was trying to get some bets on inc a Nby placpot, didn't manage it in time...
see now I would have won several lines :what: but did manage a few wins and e/ws :clap:

Fascinating to see the breeding of Valdas Queen - out of a Russian mare - wonder if we shall see more of these? Coley has a few Russian owners now, but don't think any of their horses are Russian-bred. Any idea Kathy how this one came to England, can you ask?
Sorry, HS. :shy: I cpompletely forgot to ask about the breeding of Valdas Queen. Will do my best to remember next time I see Brendan.

Mick Fitzgerald has had another winner for Brendan this afternoon on Maggie Mathias, and I am hoping to have Mick ride Bay Hawk on Wednesday at Folkestone. I'll keep you posted.

Mick is in fine form at the moment.
Well I certainly can't complain about Bay Hawk coming 2nd today. Mick now rates as my favourite NH jockey and Brendan plans to keep using him as he is so kind to the horses he rides he clearly does his homework and said to me that he wasn't sure if Bay Hawk would like the ground - especially as the ground had cut up quite a bit by the time it was time for his race but he had a feeling he would get round OK as Bay Hawk certainly doesn't lack on the stamina front. After the race, Mick said that Bay Hawk is totally genuine and although the ground wasn't ideal for him, Bay Hawk just kept on going for him when he asked for more effort. Assuming Bay Hawk is OK (I am neurotic about his legs) we will probably wait for the better ground but I do hope that it won't be long before The Hawk comes home in front and I wouldn't mind at all if Mr. Fitzgerald was on board when (if) he does.

It was bitterly cold down at Folkestone today :xmassnowgrin: but it was well worth the journey. To say I am thrilled to bits after todays result is an understatement.
Kathy, I do not know if you are aware but thought you might want to know. Bay Hawk has a yearling half brother by Exit to Nowhere and Fleeting Vision is in foal again to Exit. The colt is outstanding looking, (I admit I am biased though as love the mare) and big and strong.

We are all glad to hear that Bay Hawk is racing again and doing well. He was such a sweetie when we had him.
Originally posted by Isinglass@Jan 3 2008, 10:33 AM
Kathy, I do not know if you are aware but thought you might want to know. Bay Hawk has a yearling half brother by Exit to Nowhere and Fleeting Vision is in foal again to Exit. The colt is outstanding looking, (I admit I am biased though as love the mare) and big and strong.

We are all glad to hear that Bay Hawk is racing again and doing well. He was such a sweetie when we had him.
I didn't know, Isinglass. I hope the yearling makes it to the track and wins a few races.

I really enjoyed watching Bay Hawk over the hurdles yesterday - he seems to be loving the game at the moment, and just hope that Mick Fitzgerald is going to be available to keep riding him, as they both seem to have connected.

I still have that lovely photo you sent to me of Bay Hawk as a yearling! :D

Zebs, I am just waiting for Brendan to call me - I'll let you know!
The Powell/Fitzgerald partnership worked well again today at Freezing Fontwell with a lovely bumper winner in the shape of Isn't She Lovely!
Just out of interest,having just watched the 2.45 Kempton, Mick was miles behind on No Regrets & would have got 5th or 6th at best but everything was pulling up & he decided to carry on when the horse capsized at the 3rd last I think. Can't see why he was continuing & IMO the fall was avoidable. Horse got up ok thankfully but should surely have been pulled up.
Was wondering that myself ,and not specifically about Mick, quite a lot of jockeys continued going today in general, Why Oh Why dont they pull up , and save un-nessasary injuries to the horse and also themselves if involved in a tired fall....Ground conditions today didnt help either.
Well,if the R.Post is to be believed it was not Mick that fell but Wayne Kavanagh on Heynewboy (quite similar colours & commentators did say it was No Secrets) so I must apologize to Mr Fitz if this is the case but who ever it was should have pulled up.