Desperate Dan
Senior Jockey
I told them they`d miss me
Muttlets, how come I've got four different tax codes? One each for the four courses I was working at, it seems. Isn't that just a tad over the top?
Just a quick note to BlazingWalker ...
Unfortunately, pensions are usually subject to PAYE in the same way as earned income. Your mum will have a tax code to determine her allowances, the balance of her pensions would be subject to tax at the prevailing rates for earned income. Whether the figures they have provided are correct has to be open to question but it could be something to do with the way tax codes have, or have not, been applied ...
Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean, could there be a reason for that?Most of these wankers wouldn't have lasted the three months' probationary period in a big commercial business, would they? It's a pity the government doesn't privatise the DWP, the NHS, the Home Office in particular, and all schools. Particularly schools - once teachers' pay was tuned to the schools making a profit or going bust, you could very easily get shot of the dross and definitely make sure kids turned up - because by then the privatised Benefits Agency wouldn't be paying child allowances to parents whose kids bunked off. Sorted!