Milton Harris


Senior Jockey
Sep 15, 2003
Hurry up and move!!




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I am up to 136...aside from anything else how is a 12-13 year old allowed to 'work' either by parents/guardians/employer? Can't do a paper round at 12.
Yes, I wasn't aware of the detailed BHA report and thought the RP was relaying the totality of the details.

I suppose I jumped the gun a bit.
He comes across as a very unpleasant man who is arrogant enough to think he can get away with any sort of behaviour despite being warned on numerous occasions. A little of it did read a bit “tit for tat/he said/she said” but ultimately he refused to listen.

Be interested to see how the EJH case pans out. She has long history (well documented by the NASS or whatever it’s called these days) of poor behaviour towards her staff and now has an employment tribunal pending.
It was indeed. The brother even phoned me to talk about it. He found it quite disturbing.

It would be nice to think society has moved on but to what extent has it?

I don't really think that racing is that far behind other industries or institutions, in a negative way I mean. I'm more than 12 years retired now from teaching and I reckon young teachers were still being harangued by older teachers in a sexual way.

The last place I worked was a bit 'wild', if I can put it like that. A lot of it was consensual, to the best of my knowledge, but some of it wasn't.

One younger woman felt obliged to leave and make an antipodean move after her liaison with an older colleague became known. The head teacher was 'kicked upstairs' after his affair with a member of staff became pretty much public knowledge.

Suggestive remarks - both ways - were not uncommon, as were 'solicitous', again, if I can call them that, approaches. I myself was the object of one such approach which happened, thankfully, to be interrupted, by a female colleague many years my junior. To be honest, I can't say I was offended or troubled in any way. Quite the opposite; I was extremely flattered because she was more than attractive and we remained very good friends until I retired but no such approach was ever repeated. I think she felt slightly embarrassed at herself and I pretended it never happened.
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I have to admit that reading the things he’d said just took me straight back to what the workplace was like when I was working back in the 70’s and 80’s. Actually, not even just the workplace eg comments that I had from my driving instructor ( although I think I did cancel my lessons with him). I didn’t work when the kids were young and when I did go back to work it was working for my GP’s and thankfully they didn’t speak in that way ( although one did bully me and everyone else).