Mission Affirmed

Oh and cheers LE, would be interested in what you dig out!

As you alluded to, the many myths surrounding cribbing and windsucking are tiresome. "Pony people" are the worst - excuses heard for rejecting a horse into a livery yard include "the women at livery say their horses will start cribbing too and they're veterinary nurses and they asked their vet" (FALSE - even scientific studies have found that cribbing is a behavioural vice and other horses do not tend to copy, the only exception being that some very young horses MAY copy) or "the women at livery don't want to be disturbed by the sound of cribbing whilst they are mucking out........."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zebs - pretty much the most successful tried-and-tested way to prevent cribbing is to string up some wire a couple of inches above the length of the top of the stable door; attach the ends of the wire to a battery, preferably earth it, and remove all other objects from within the stable that the horse can hold onto with his teeth in order to suck in the air. It does work - for obvious reasons!!! - but it can become a pain to deal with as you will, guaranteed, receive a few shocks yourself, mainly through touching the wire when not meaning to/forgetting it's there, etc. You also have to ensure there are no objects within the stable that the horse can hold onto and suck air in or it defeats the object entirely!!! There is also the small chance that the horse may start to fret if it suddenly cannot crib anymore.

I'd advise against using cribbing collars - they don't work, and they also result in nasty looking lumps in the horses throat through time after constant use and rub the mane too which is a nuisance!

Oh, and glad you're enjoying it, Rory!!
Haven't got time to write much atm, i'v found the booklet thing, typically the seminar on stereotypies was the only one without any notes and im finding it difficult to understand my own writing!! Reserch was done by S Mcbride and typically theres no free articles on pubmed!! i will look to see the other research papers mentioned when i have more time.

For those of you interested this is the website for the seminar its around the same time as the Paddy Power meeting and for anyone interested in veterinary things its well worth going, http://www.thoroughbred-seminar.com/ anyone can register to go, there is a charge, not sure how much.
"Again, at risk of being shouted at/sounding boring, ..........."

Shads, there's many things that people might accuse you of sounding of........................but I can't imagine "boring" would come anywhere near that list. :P :D
Im afraid the latest update on Mission Affirmed isnt to hopeful...

Although he appears to have put some condition back on , given the time period that he has been recieving care etc he should be in better shape than he is.....

On Friday the 9th May , the vets from Leahurst veterinary University are going to do some specialize tests on him , as they fear that he has irreversible Internal damage .... :(

Will let you know outcome
Oh dear. Fingers crossed there is some good news for Mission Affirmed. This horse really deserves it. Must be desperately sad for your friend. Fingers crossed.