Most Disappointing horse?

I cannot believe I am typing this and I hate doing it, Voy Por Ustedes last season.

My fav horse for a very long time, just loved him and he did all of the things I could imagine he might do since first setting my eyes on him as a young gawky thing who shied at everything.

And then he just went out like a light. So sad.... but he did give me some great memories and I think I'd just like to see him retired now because wishing and hoping he would make a grand comeback is just going to be soul destroying.
Tracks, would TOWNABRACK being dead account for him being disappointing? :confused: One race, one win at 4. No more appearances. Dead at 6.
Townabrack was plagued by injuries (had particularly bad shins throughout as well as a fetlock problem after his bumper - all unrelated to his being put down btw), Kri. Probably most unfair of me to put him in that list, though you do have to wonder how many of the horses on this list were plagued by similar issues. When I think of what might have been though, he and Aran Concerto immediately come to the fore.
Poor youngster - he just wasn't destined to race, was he? And, following my gloatingly nice 100-1 e/w return on PETER PAN DE SOLZEN in his debut Bumper (3rd) for Ferdacious Murphy.... er... ? Anything ending in 'DE SOLZEN' you tend to think is nailed on for stardom, but it just ain't always so.