Moving horses?

If you think last year's GC was the true form then you get figures like suny - if you think this year's GC showed the true KS and ED at the top of their game you don't .
There was def a row int he Winners Enc with some older woman lambasting PN.

I was the one who said that at a preview one trainer remarked that all three of the PN 'top 3' owners would be giving their own instructions to the jocks, and the rest of the panel agreed! - the other 5 were all practicing or retired trainers or jockeys btw.

In Hales case this would make perfect sense from hiw own pov, esp given PN so clearly was willing KS to win this year; and that Christian W is one of Hales's favourite jockeys and was prob his own choice.

Given all this, I wonder whether the row was because the jockey had conflicting instructions, and followed PN's? - that is only a hunch, nothing more, but if CW had ridden as the owner expected, why would there be a row? - what made their camp so angry? Surely not NC's poor jumping?!!
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Just out of interest, am I right in thinking that Dan Skelton's father, Nick, rides exclusively for John Hales?
Just out of interest, am I right in thinking that Dan Skelton's father, Nick, rides exclusively for John Hales?

Yes, you're correct. Hales owns all of the horses in the yard, and also owns the facilities.
I'm sorry, I think I may have given you duff information there. Skelton's yard certainly was owned by Hales up until a couple of years ago, but currently it seems there's no involvement. To add to that, Golden Bear Toys are not his sponsors anymore, and all of his current horses are owned by Beverley Widdowson.