N Martin - Baddam


At the Start
Jan 20, 2005
I know this is a sensible - and difficult - topic, and I am surprised that I have not read anything about this anywhere else (or did I miss it here on the forum?), but my left-winged german newspaper brought a review of a book that N Martin wrote (it is called something like "Call it a day" ) last week : herein he describes his life and all the suffering after the horrible racist-attack he fell victim to in Germany (and that left him in a wheel-chair) and he does annouce his death with the help of a Swiss Organisation for the 23rd of july. I would be even lost for the right words in german, but this is certainly a very brave decision.
He owns Baddam, doesn't he? Hence the title? I remember him being interviewed at Royal Ascot and then, by Thommo - who danced around singing the Pink Panther tune that the horse was named after - at York.
That's right Gareth, thanks for that, thought it rung a bell.
Didn't this thread used to be in horse racing?
Oh, I'm so very saddened to learn that he's giving up his life. Personally, I found him very inspiring and heart-warming. He was working professionally in Germany when racists threw a block of concrete through his car window, causing him terrible head injury, which resulted in his paralysis. He looked SO smart and happy when BADDAM won for him and it looked as if racing was going to give him years of happiness and pleasure.

I am so sorry that he has found living too difficult to pursue any further, but as someone who hopes to be able to plan their own death (if I've not been done in by an enraged punter before then!), I can only respect him even further for his decision.
This is very sad isn't it? Cannot think of many Royal Ascot winning owners who want to end their lives.

But as said on here, you have to respect someone for making that decision.

Let's hope that the horse gives him a few last memories to take with him.
What a very sad story about a very brave man. Let's hope that all the excellent charity work he has started continues after his death.
Thanks for that, Brian. I was thinking about his condition last night, just rolling from one side of the bed to the other to put my book down and adjust the pillow. Imagine that you can't even do the smallest, simplest action like that. If a fly lands on your nose, you can't brush it away. You lead a life where every function is managed by others. Perhaps if, like Christopher Reeve, his wife was still with him, it would make a vast difference to his outlook, but I don't think I could possibly pursue living in his condition, either. As for the neo-Nazis, they are beyond belief. 'Silly racism' - yes, your honour, just a silly little prank, wasn't it?
I can't think why this isn't on the Racing Section, since it's about a racehorse owner. Anyway, darling BADDAM strove very hard indeed to overcome the pillar-to-post winner TUNGSTEN STRIKE, into a very creditable second place. That should cheer up Noel a wee bit today. Wondered if he'd attend, but couldn't see him in the parade ring. No mention by the reviewers of him or his book - they're so bleedin' oblivious at time.
I moved it here as the comments generated would tend to be about the man himself and how/why he writes as he does, rather than a specifically racing oriented topic.

As the actual circumstances surronding are so tragic, I thought it would have more gravitas in this section.

If you would like the topic moved back, then why not simply ask? It wasn't done for any power-crazed reason, strangely enough....
I actually met Noel today at Ascot. I saw a man in a wheelchair with an owner's badge on, and thought, what have I got to lose. shrug:: If I have got it wrong, I will just look a bit foolish but I was desperate to meet the man behind the book and behind the horse and I was convinced it was him. Luckily, I was right.

What an absolutely lovely man he is. I told him how I knew of him (thanks, Cat) from somone on a racing forum based in Germany. He seemed quite taken aback as not many seem to know his story in the UK. I told him about the nice messages on here too, and he seemed a bit gobsmacked.

We chatted about his horses, and briefly about the terrible accident. He wanted to be able to ride his horses at one stage and he is clearly mad about racing, something he inherited from his Grandfather. He thinks Mick Channon is a wonderful trainer and spoke very highly of him. Noel tries to get to see his horses as often as possible. Baddam looked brilliant in the paddock and absolutely stood out.

I was so thrilled for him when Baddam came 2nd and managed to take a few photos of Baddam etc in the parade ring and in the winners enclosure.

At one point it might have looked like I was stalking John McCrirrick as I was trying to take photos past him whilst he was obviously on the TV. Luckily, Shadow Leader turned up for a chat so that it looked as if I wasn't a mad woman trying to take photos of Zoe and McCrirrick. :suspect: Thank goodness, Shadow Leader seemed to believe my story too.

The book that has been launched in Germany should be in the UK, once translated, in July and Noel is just trying to find a publisher willing to agree to the right deal as he wants to give as much money to charity as possible.

I felt quite choked chatting to Noel, knowing what the book says about him ending his life. He had 3 carers with him today and he says he has 9 looking after him in total.

All I can say in the 20 minutes I spent chatting to him, is this world will be a poorer place without characters like him if he decides to leave this world prematurely. I could have chatted to him for hours.

By the way, I asked Noel if his name came from being born on Christmas Day. "No," he said, "it was because I weighed 12 lbs when I was born". He has the biggest smile, and although clearly in some pain, it was so nice to see him today. It is the first time he has ventured out for a while due to various medical problems, and I hope he felt it was worth every minute bearing in mind todays result.

I was tempted to say something to Zoe or John McCrirrick but I felt it wasn't really my place. Hopefully, a journalist may read this forum, and perhaps make contact with Noel to perhaps do an interview.

Songsheet, if you didn't mind, would it be possible to move it back to the racing section, where more people may read this thread.

I will post up a few photos as soon as I have downloaded them.
















Kathy, well done - lovely shots of the group and the beautiful horse. Imagine that you can't even raise an arm to pat or stroke your own horse - it's just too cruel to imagine. Really pleased you got time with Noel and I think your idea for an interview with him (I realise one was done post-Ascot, but why not another?) is excellent.

Songsheet - I didn't ask for it to be moved because as you can see, Ardross has already informed us why it's in this Section, at the top. One assumes that when moderators have moved an item, it's been done for a reason. I just THOUGHT it went better in 'racing' as it's about a racehorse owner with a high-profile horse (and two others, too). I'm not obsessed with it not being in that section!
Thanks Kathy. This a terrible and a beautiful story and it gives food for thought on so many levels. It's hardly bearable to think that such a good man should have his life destroyed for the colour of his skin, a mere accident of birth.

I'm glad this thread was put back into General Racing as I otherwise probably wouldn't have seen it.
I very rarely look anywhere else in the forum other than Photographs
@ Kathy thanks so veryvery much for the photos and your report of your meeting with Mr. Martin; watched race on computer and was willing Baddam home, and thought for one split moment it could be done. What a fairytale it would be to see him win again in Royal Ascot.

I did look for this thread myself as I thought it had been deleted, sorry for not making clearer that Mr. Martin is Baddam´s owner.