Name a horse

Forth Glacier

...Geologically, the Firth of Forth is a fjord, formed by the Forth Glacier
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SHOOTS HIMSELF IN THE FOOT. this would give me a reminder to keep my winnings rather than betting in every race.

Such a nice gesture of you to be so kind to us forumites.

A Cork City Northsider upon hearing of a middle aged batchelor marrying said of the union:
"Tho there is love there there is dough there too tho "
Pronounced "dough dares love dare dares dough dare too dough" very rapidly
Cnau Castan Gyllir

Cnau Castan - Welsh for Chestnut

In Norse mythology, Gyllir is a horse listed in both Grímnismál and Gylfaginning among the steeds ridden by the gods each day when they go to make judgements

A Cork City Northsider upon hearing of a middle aged batchelor marrying said of the union:
"Tho there is love there there is dough there too tho "
Pronounced "dough dares love dare dares dough dare too dough" very rapidly

The final tho/dough is tautological, though.