
Have you ever seen those e-books for sale on the net and on ebay which reveal the secret of making $2000 day without leaving your house?

The secret that they reveal is... Sell e-books on the net and ebay.

Every time I see a pro punter writing a book or column, or appearing on tv, I wonder where their income really comes from.
Well, punting isn`t Dave`s only form of income - and he started with a 50K bank, but one can tell he`s on the level.
Was at Lingfield a few weeks back, saw him losing thousands; he turned to Barry Dennis and said I'm on a bad run, I think Barry replied me to.

It doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Some of these high profile punters have a great run, know someone in the media and bingo, in the papers, on tele and constantly made out to be shrewd, meaning their tipping lines make money because of people unaware ring them.

Look at the big name tipsters who proof, hardly any make a constant profit, yet their adverts in the papers they work for, really go over the top.

I'm pretty confident you wouldn't make money going racing everyday. Your better off having an office with 4 computers on all running off separate servers and 8 track boxes, enabling you to use 4 computers under 2 web sections, enabling you to access 8 betting accounts from independent internet protocol addresses.

You need to set targets in proportion to your bank to make money and a good aim is 100 - 200 a day is dealing with about a 10k account as your only aiming to make 1-2%.

I agree in what he says about info, as many times more than 1 person will fancy a horse. I disagree with his comments about shoes, for me I've known some lads in yards who are shrewd and others who just think their shrewd. I know one lad in Newmarket who works for a big yard and he speaks to 3 people and he tells me he's on £200 odds to with his punters; He waits till they have 3 horses running they fancy and then instructs a different horse to each punter. At least one will be paying him if they get a winner.

These people like Nevison, I can't see winning as they always try to play the big I am and you often find when these guys are inviting journalists in to write about them, they are normally paying the paper to write an article about them just to put them back in the public eye and increase take up on a service they are promoting.

Having said all that I did read his book and found it interesting.
Firstly can I please point out any comments made about BF were made 3 years ago and things have changed significantly since then!!! :laughing:

Secondly Nevison is good at what he does but like everyone has ups and downs. He tends to go racing most days and can be seen on a regular basis oncourse (that said, I was only thinking yesterday that I haven't seen him for a few weeks now!). He tends to make a point of going to every single Chester meeting as well, loves the place!!!! He's also a very funny man.