New Year Resolutions?

I live near the Coast so no shortage of good cycling routes.I've cycled for the last 3 summers-nothing better then setting off at 630 on a nice sunny day- it is absolutely addictive but I refuse to do it after October.
We have a cleaning woman in work who is in her 60's - took up cycling in 2013 and did a 180 Km cycle last JUne which I think is a fair achievement.
Cold weather shouldn't stop you. Never really bothers me at all. The best way cycle is little and often all year round. Fair play to that woman but most I've done in a day is 45 miles. I like to chill and enjoy the day out. Some of the road racer types are a bit miserable, ocd and up themselves.
When going downhill at speed of course, road cyclists used to have to stuff a newspaper inside their jacket before they introduced these new wind bloc things. I wonder what paper Clive uses for that? I'd say the Metro
One assumes you don't go fast enough for it to be an issue then?

You used to see it on the tour when a cyclist would spend 20 minutes on a climb sweating and dripping wet, then they'd descend at 60mph ish, well with the amount of moisture they'd developed on their chest at this speed, the wind chill became dangerous, so someone would hand them a paper (or similar primative wind block) at the top of the hill which they'd stuff inside their jacket for protection against rapid body temperature change. I was just wondering what paper you'd have to use. Obviously the Guardian would be too light weight for you.
I certainly don't cycle fast. Take in surroundings, enjoy the route and chill. No interest in £5k bikes and stopwatches thank you very much.

advice to would be cyclists is this

- get a hybrid because otherwise you miss the best bits . Parks, towpaths and trails.
- dont spend too much. New bikes costing £3-400 are superb these days. There is barely anything gained by paying more
- get a book of routes or search net. A great route gets you back out there time and again. London is full of them and well planned ones can carry you miles without hitting any real traffic.
- just enjoy it. Making it like jogging of a treadmill will mean you find a reason not to do it when it's not sunny, which is silly . Regular all year round is best.