I have never done resolutions before, but myself and the missus sat down on New Year's Eve and made a few:
1. Stop getting absolutely plastered for Ireland games. Some of my most embarassing drunken moments have been after Ireland World Cup or Euro qualifiers. I get so nervous that I drink copious amounts before and during the games, and the relief is such that I am wiring pints to beat the band for hours after, whatever the result. I then usually do something silly like:
- Lose 200 quid sterling on a dog at Wimbledon I have never heard of,
- Climb the scaffolding on my mate's girlfriend's neighbour's house and wake up the kids, or
- Get barred from my local back in Dublin.
2. Improve posture. I have started to get a sore back, probably from slouching and sleeping in the wrong position. I am going to sit up straight and sleep on my side this year.
3. Run another marathon. Looks like I'll be travelling for most of the year (Indonesia, Philippines, China, Mongolia, Russia) so I won't be able to run one until the Dublin marathon in October. I'll only get two-and-a-half month's training, so I doubt I'll beat my time.
4. Join a soccer club when I move back to London. I am really enjoying playing soccer here in Melbourne twice a week. Although they're fairly crap, I get to feel like a bit of a genius on the ball in midfield, and it's nice playing a team sport after running for so long.