Newmarket July Competition - 100 Euro Prize

I am such a thick. Unfortunately I had left out the scoring of Duntulm in the first today (17 points) so having added them now Top Cat has scrapped the win. Sincere apologies to Mrussel for calling him the incorrect winner. Assuming no other mistakes are spotted (a big assumption) could both Top Cat (for his winnings) and Mrussel (will send something on after my feck up!) forward me on an address via the PM system.
Well done to the winner/s :)

Even if I'd done better on Day 1 - I doubt I'd have found the time to make any entries for the next two days LOL I enjoyed reading the entries though!
Well done Top Cat & Galileo for sorting this out.
Actually, I'm glad a 'proper' member won this -- I'm just an amateur and felt a bit of a fraud winning!
Just here for the fun & knowledgeable posts, of which there are plenty.
There had to be some reason we were sharing bottom placings Chris! LOL
I was in the same boat, still catching up with captioning Sandown pics while taking ever more at Nmkt... I can't do normal life and betting I find - my little brain can't cope!