Nic Coward to leave BHA in spring

Well doesn't make any difference, under Cowards new rules owners are about to get screwed and it won't change whoever takes his place. The whole BHA is out of date and a complete waste of time.
It's saying something when someone at Plumpton yesterday muttered that they'd rather have the old Jockey Club back, what-what!
Coward is no loss is he. Doubt he'll be replaced with anyone who's any good. It's a shambles... very depressing.
Agree. Lets hope the replacement is no nonsense and do what is good for 'racing' and not any other parties and be prepare to upset a few people.
Apparently he's going to be the new secretary of the Premier League.

Couldn't make it up really could you?
Most owners I speak with now are just utterly worn down and either dejected or furious (or, if it's possible, both) by the fruitless spoutings from both the ROA (Dixon) and the BHA (Roy/Coward) and particularly the BHA's out-of-touch, aloof, let-them-eat-cake attitude. One of them says that all the top nobs are in league with the bookies, anyway, and so what do they care. No idea about that, but nothing surprises me in terms of venality and self-interest these days. Pretty much like moralising, patronising politicians who have no idea at all how real people live.

The BHA needs a very tough commercial bruiser at the top - someone ruthless and strong, who just won't take no for an answer from the government, the exchanges, the loophole Louies and the squirmy bookies. Someone who will force change from racecourses who are hock-deep in picture rights if nothing else, yet still resolutely and shamelessly letting their prize monies drop through the cellar door.

I imagine next up will be a retired vicar, then.
My nomination is Peter Savill. Talks a good fight and he'd really sort things out if given the chance.
Savill, no, has had his chances and with ownership of Plumpton. SteveM, can't have Andy Stewart with Roy still at the BHA - conflict of interest with Cenkos, surely?
Can't be someone with a vested interest at the moment IMO - Andy Stewart would end up siding with the ROA again like Coward did on almost everything and we'd get nowhere.

Someone connected to neither the trainers, owners, bookmakers, exchanges or racecourses would be required in my opinion - quite who that is I have no idea or failing that someone who's as far removed from those groups as is possible.
If Andy Stewart's in the running it might be a good thing.

I like him whenever I hear him speak, but the fact he owns racehorses with and is most likely close friends with Roy must raise serious concerns as to whether it would be anything but more of the same.
Given racecourses' penchant for hiring managers with no previous racing experience, I'd like to see someone coming out of a major organisation which is part of the services/entertainments industry, although please no more hoteliers! Someone who has an open mind and won't come in saying (in so many words and deeds) "everything you've been and done up to now is shit, but I'm going to sort you out" - there will be good underlings to rely on and who you need onside, not feeling undervalued and unappreciated. But you need to locate and delete the reactionaries and the underperformers from every sphere, slim down some of what the BHA pays for at the moment, too. One small example is letting the flagman go from their payroll (this has already been initiated for 2011 at Lingfield and Folkestone) and telling courses that he or she will be on theirs. There are surely ways to also trim the BHA's endless admin and issuing of statements for everything - a major rationalisation of how billing is done to courses and to individuals would be one step forward.

Dump RfC and never, ever, think up quangos like it again. Work on offering better incentives to breeders to breed better animals and disincentives to do otherwise. Get a grip on taxation on exchanges and offshore betting where income and profits are derived from British racing - batter the government into submission. Call it anything but a Levy and ensure some of it goes not just to serious inducements to owners, but into the charities supporting racing staff welfare and affordable housing.
I like him whenever I hear him speak, but the fact he owns racehorses with and is most likely close friends with Roy must raise serious concerns as to whether it would be anything but more of the same.

This is the problem though. Just who is there?

Unless krizon steps up to the plate it will likely be more of the similar.:(
Favourite (...such as it is) appears to be our old mucker Alan Byrne. It's a bit fecking worrying that they can't come up with anyone more plausible!