Nicholls Yard has the cough

Too many cameras, too many people touching the horses, too much pressure getting through into the animals.

Take a leaf out of Mark Johnston or Sir Michael Stoute's book.

No touching, no cameras, no journalists etc.
But the Nicholls operation is spread over multiple yards isn't it -- Manor Farm, Highbridge and the Richard Barber satellite one? If it is the main stable that has been affected, does it mean that all the yards have suffered as well? Maybe not.
Do we have any way of discovering how the string is spread between the various yards. Which horse is where, ie?
Zarkandar of course ran really well. The first thing to do is change the feed they're using. A low level bacterial infection in the foodstuff could be debilitating and take a while to shake.
Danger that it might have therefore been a harder race than they'd have liked. Still a very creditable effort in the circumstances and, if he is on form, will run well in the Champion.
Presumably the timing here could not be much worse? Do they have to go easy on the horses for the next little while? What are the chances they'll all be on top form again in three weeks time?
A cough lasts for about a week or two at the most, no need to go back down to level 1 or 2 type training.

Steady walks for about a week should suffice as sweating can react as a flamatory substance for a cough.
Presumably the timing here could not be much worse? Do they have to go easy on the horses for the next little while? What are the chances they'll all be on top form again in three weeks time?

That's a tough one to call. It all depends on the horse. If you have a gross, stuffy horse and you have to stop work for a week, then you are a week behind. If they are only ticking over anyway, then not a lot lost if you lose a few days. Not ideal of course but it all depends on the horse. Remember, Binocular had some time off just before he won the champion. But as he was race fit, it wasn't a problem. It might actually be a blessing for some as it will freshen them up if they aren't effected by the cough. That can sometimes be the best outcome.
"On Saturday morning Zarkandar had a runny nose and was coughing like mad, so he must be some horse to have won like he did at Newbury the day before."

Nicholls added that Zarkandar was on the mend and could start cantering back on Wednesday after his course of antibiotcis,and that other big guns, such as Kauto Star, Big Buck's and Al Ferof were unaffected. ( Racing Post)