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No Tears For This Crocodile

Warbler as you obviously felt strongly about this it would have been courteous of you to have PM'd me, pointing out your dyslexia to ensure I was aware of it (which I can assure you I was not - most of your {extremely lengthy} posts usually interest me enough that any grammatical errors you may make go unnoticed anyway) and I would then have apologised publicly on here to you but, as it stands, your overreaction leaves me cold.

I make errors by the bucketload on here, they often get picked up (viz Krizon yesterday on the Haldon Gold Cup thread) but I have enough self-restraint not to go off on one about it and, thank heavens, have a good enough sense of humour that enables me to cope with it.

I suggest you get one.
May I suggest that ALL YOU ENGLISH GRAMMAR writing experts????

Ought to join a site that deals with this,(English grammar spelling etc etc you can then argue between yourselves) and not this site which is primarily for talking about Horses with a chit chat page also, nothing on here to suggest about spelling or grammar mistakes by anyone who posts.. Why don’t you get a life?????

This behaviour actually stops a lot of people posting on here for fear of being made a fool of.... you surely can't be that naive can you? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Nov 2 2006, 12:26 PM
Why don’t you get a life?????

This behaviour actually stops a lot of people posting on here for fear of being made a fool of....

Hasn't stopped all of them, unfortunately. B)

Luckily, I have absolutely no problem with those who make typo's or have an incorrect Grandma, it's sometimes the content of their postings that sometimes make them look utterly foolish!
There is some theory I read recently where if you get the first and last letter of each word correct, it is legible, it did give samples to prove the point.

The one problem with forums is that you can usually edit the body of your posting but why not the subject heading ?
Lee, get one of the moderators to change it if you need to. Songsheet, Krizon (when she was moderating) and Gallileo have always helped me out when I have typed in something in the title incorrectly.
I find that odd too, Lee. Moderators are able to do so, why not everyone? Perhaps they think that the pranksters would get to work? Then, if so, they could be right!

I usually go in and change titles when I see things like Rip and Atr and change them to all upper case. For some reason if you enter, say, "RIP" in a thread title it comes out as "Rip", but if you enter something like "ntl" it comes out as "Ntl". Frustrating, isn't it.

Sometimes we are asked to change the title of a thead by the originator, which, of course, we do.
Merlin, name ONE person who has left here because someone took the mickey out of their spelling or grammar! Some people stopped posting because they were trolls and were found out, rightly ridiculed or berated and, eventually, banned. Most of the other flouncings-off have been because of personality clashes, not lousy spelling.

However, it is a courtesy to the people who you presumably invite to read your posts (otherwise, why post if you don't want people to read them?) to do the best you can, in the interests of general clarity. Quite a few unnecessary snarls erupt on here because of misunderstandings about the way in which someone constructed their posting. Just look at the issue of signature lines at the moment! When I went to school we were told that we should do our best with our language so that we could be understood clearly, and that's also one of the firsts things taught in journalism or publishing. If our fingers can't keep up with our brains, mistakes occur and sometimes misunderstandings.

I don't agree with picking up on every little flub that people make, by any means. There's a difference between banter and sniping. But sometimes it would help to progress discussion, rather than create arguments or misunderstanding, if people took a little more care with their posts.
Originally posted by krizon@Nov 2 2006, 01:23 PM

I don't agree with picking up on every little flub that people make, by any means. There's a difference between banter and sniping. But sometimes it would help to progress discussion, rather than create arguments or misunderstanding, if people took a little more care with their posts.
And I agree with this but going back to things in general re your posts opening sentence.......
Jon that would be ever so hard to do!! But I do know of a few on here who will only post now and again for fear of making a fool of themselves.. (they would be nameless obviously as I don’t want to get them embarrassed and name names )

I know a few who have left this site because of certain mods; no not given red cards either, but had a guts full of these people trying to belittle them.

And I am on their sides too just because some on here are in the driving seat and have the ability and the confidence in which to belittle!!! I bet no warnings(yellow cards) have been issued to any mods; for doing this ??

I really think there's a need to change the mods on a rotation basis as well, as I personally believe they have passed their sell by date and the site would be a lot happier for their departures...........and new blood brought in, the now incidence of getting any trolls is negated owing to the security introduced to this board by COL.

But still we have these mods protecting themselves on a personal basis and not moderating as they should, you were a very fair mod JON I cant take that away from you either ;) .
And one must respect other people’s postings/opinions just because you don’t agree with it, not start using gutter language as a few on here do!! I have opinions to post and I WILL post them but they will also be within the boards rules…………

But if they cannot debate with out using gutter language (they should be banned sine die also) they should not get involved either I have never ever berated someone because I object to their opinions, I do it in retaliation for me being personally abused by them I am never the instigator only ever been done in retaliation for being attacked………………….. :rolleyes:

When I add up the actual years I spent at skool, it comes to me leaving at the equivalent of 14, so I'm definitely out of the 'well-educated' league on here, Merls. I am beginning to draw up (yet another) list of New Year Resolutions, and I am determined that in 2007 I shall be kind to everyone, even if they went to University!
Stop it please. I feel I made my point. as Kriz has said. Unfortunately, I wanted to talk about PW Botha, and regret that my orginal thread has been hijacked totally unneccesarily, and i regret, nay resent that.

I accept that my mis-speliing created that, and I first spotted the 'constructive observations' of Songsheets at 9.30 on the morning, yes I was disappointed, and still felt disappointed by her unnecessary, and ultimately unconstructive contribution 7 hours later. If she'd like to explain what she thought she was contributing then I look forward to hearing from her? Personally, I've had a few friends killed as a result of the said individual, (Botha not Songsheet) and have come closer than I often advertise myself.

I see that there's no where left to go with this thread, if its going to turn into an English Language exercise (again disappointed - but so be it). Personally I'd like to have spoken about some of the issues, and perhaps related to you, some of the true stories. Sadly, not to be, English language appears to be more important.

Can a mod please consider closing the thread. Wasn't what I intended, I'd happily talk about South Africa, but if someone wants to start an English Language protocol thread up, that doesn't discriminate against dyslexic's can than please do it under a name other than mine.

I'd say carry on, old bean. Any true tales you have to regale us with will, I'm sure, be interesting, especially for forum members perhaps only vaguely aware of what went on under apartheid's boot.

My parents and I emigrated to South Africa in 1952, blissfully unaware of apartheid. Given my mother's leftward-leaning, inclusive sort of personality, you can imagine how 'Blankes' and 'Nie Blankes' shop entrances, church pews, cinemas, cafes, park benches, water fountains, buses, etc., went down. I went to a school where learning Afrikaans and Afrikaner history was mandatory, so I learned about the massacre of Piet Retief and his brave, warm-hearted Boers, but only learned that African chiefs like Dingaan were wicked and scheming. It's no wonder that most, if not all, Afrikaner children grew up with an attitude of if not clear hatred towards Africans, certainly a wary aloofness and a readiness for belligerence.

My father sailed into work to be greeted with "Gooi dag, Piet" from his Afrikaner workmates-to-be. When he replied cheerfully that he couldn't speak Afrikaans (yet), they turned their backs on him, and told him that when he could, then they'd speak to him.

My mother became very friendly with the two mixed-race ("Coloured") maids who cleaned our rooms at the hotel we stayed in until we could find a rented house. This caused a lot of raised eyebrows, and the two girls - I still have their photo - Millie and Molly, said mother was the first 'white lady' who'd spoken to them normally, not like 'just servants'.

We left for Northern Rhodesia after just nine months in South Africa, an exercise which bitterly disappointed and appalled my parents. Later on, a few years later when we visited my aunt and uncle in Port Elizabeth, my aunt said her maid had been very upset by some family problems. She'd found her crying. My mother said, "Why didn't you give her a hug, Alice? At least she'd know you cared." My aunt was aghast - HUG AN AFRICAN?? And this from someone who'd married into a liberal, unjudgmental family which had welcomed gays, divorcees and a variety of oddballs into its friendship long before it was either fashionable or acceptable to do so. My mother was appalled in turn.
Warbler, this thread has served useful for a couple of reasons:-

1) People should stop criticising peoples grammar - unless they are doing it in jest...... which is very often the case. Just friendly banter between people that normally know each other on here. Your case highlights the reason why it can occasionally cause upset, and I am sure Songsheet didn't mean to offend you.

2) If anyone makes mistakes in the title of the thread, ask a moderator nicely, and they will change it for you. Check what mood Songsheet is in before you ask her though as if it's cold in Somerset and a cow has trodden on her hoof, or worse - beware. :ph34r:

Warbler, believe it or not, although this thread started off about South Africa, and could soon return to that subject matter, it has been useful for other information too.

Please don't be angry! :(

PS. I've stopped now...... right, where were we? :)
Well to bring it back then. The Pik Botha whom Krix referred to earlier was booked on PAN AM 103, but mysteriously changed his booking at the 11th hour :ph34r: Paul Channon? I honestly don't know. But I drop some District 6 stuff up in due course
Slightly off topic, BUT still about South Africa. :P

When my friend died (god bless her) last year, she left me some shares in a mineral mine in South Africa. I have a feeling she was asked to sell them but not 100% she did. I am so sorely tempted to go and find out - more for the adventure than anything else. My friend was born in Johannesburg, and South Africa is a country I would love to visit one day..

I have searched the internet for details of the mine, and the company that were my friend's contact, but they have been swallowed up by a bank. I have contacted 2 solicitors in Jo'burg to ask if they would act on my behalf and they both have said yes.

I am really tempted to go and investigate one day. How cool would that be to find that you own a 1/12th share of a mineral mine in South Africa. :blink: Great conversation for around the dinner table..... B)
Yeah great conservation kathy :o Just make sure to remind your dinner guests how many black people will have died in appalling working conditions with no labour protection, and health and safety legislation in order to extract your 8.5% won't you? :blink:
Whoa there, Warbler. Talk about rushing to an instant and sanctimonious judgment! Not even Kathy knows what the mine is, who owns or owned it, whether it's still functioning and even, it seems, what it's mining. Of course there are Health & Safety rules in place in South Africa's mines, there were even during the apartheid years, because white miners went down the shafts the same as Africans. There were and are deaths, of course, of white and black South Africans - nobody in the world is 'safe' in mining, no matter how many regulations you put in place.

But don't have a pop at just South Africa: if you want to rail against mining fatalities, you could just as easily have a go at Canada, the USA, China, Russia, and the various Stans, and then have another go at oil production, logging and rubber extraction, trawling, quarrying, trains - all activities which incur disasters from time to time, whether through accident, negligence, or natural forces.

You've just spent a great deal of time saying how you feel you've been terribly insulted, and have just returned the bile to Kathy.
Thanks for stepping in, Krizon. B)

Well, there you go at least I got the conversation going again after it went off on a tangent didn't I, Warbler! :blink: :D

Krizon, you are right, I know absolutely nothing about the mine, apart from where it roughly is, I know it was owned by my friend's paternal Grandparents, and I know that her father and grandfather were both scientists. I have lots of research to do, and perhaps if I still own a small percentage of it, I can donate any money to a local South African charity. The money means nothing to me, but the history of the mine and the people involved certainly does, hence why I would love to find out more about it if I possibly can.
Dear God... there's nothing in the forum charter that states every post has to be constructive - if that were the case, Merlin, most of us would be banned already - you included.

Warbler. I can't make it any plainer that by using the term 'Pedant Alert' that it was a correction made in jest - it's an ongoing source of amusement to some on here in an 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves" kind of fashion. I can't help it that you don't share my sense of humour and if it offended you, I'm very sorry.