Non-moderators Only

:angy: JON you cant do that!! Your made for the job!! let common sense prevail ignore the knockers :o oh sorry will have to rephrase that :lol: being sexists now......

You have done the job excellently and no complaints whatsoever............

I think only one mod was asked to retire or stand down but certainly not you............ from what I have read....... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by rorydelargy@Feb 8 2006, 05:56 PM
Does that mean that some of us will be forced to be moderators against our will?
Yes, it's a sort of press-gang system. The organisers of the scheme will wait until forum members are the worse fror drink and will then hit them over the head with a cudgel (a shillelagh will be used for Irish members) and put them in a sack. When they awake they will find that they have a serious headache and are chained to the moderators' bench.

Those who have been so recruited will be known as "volunteer" moderators - those who wielded the cudgels will, I guess, be known henceforth as immoderators.
Merls... I've ignored my knockers for a good few years now, along with the rest of my body! :D

The technical system proposed for Moderators to now use is beyond both my skill or my will to use it, and I can't be arsed to even try, to tell you the truth. I'll just continue to be annoying and rude without also being a Moderator!
Can the moderating team not make their minds up as forum_name, c.state
FROM ibf_moderators mod
LEFT JOIN ibf_forums f ON(
LEFT JOIN ibf_categories c ON( AND c.state != 0)
LEFT JOIN ibf_members m2 ON (

Here's one you don't have to wait for..............awwwwwwww
