Excellent choice of pram, it is the best one on earth I've got it in black with black & white circles but they don't do that colour scheme anymore. It's been in use for ten months and still looks fab. I wish this pram was around a few years ago, I always wanted an umbrella folding one that would lie totally flat but then convert when the baby was older yet nobody made one like that. I made do with first a Maclaren and then Emily had a M&P Pliko which is almost the same as this but without the laying flat option. I spotted somebody with a Pramette a few months before I became pregnant with Georgia and swore I would have to have one if I had another baby. Mr GG was insistant I re-use Emilys old Pliko but I compromised and bought a nearly new Pramette on Ebay. I'm sure it'd only been wheeled up the garden path twice, it was immaculate but a fraction of the cost. Mr GG still whinged but I had to have the perfect pram that had been in my head for nine years :lol: