Ntl "broadband" Freebies?

Absolutely something for nothing. All users on 1mb will simply be upgraded to 2mb. Price remains £17.99 and this is, do not forget, unlimited usage with no caps.

2mb users were recently upgraded to 4mb during June.
I am giving serious consideration to moving from Telewest as I still pay £25 for my Broadband (4 meg) and that is just about the most expensive on the market and it isn't wireless either. Has anyone heard good or bad things about the free offers like Talk Talk? Or Orange? Sky?
My advice is to be very careful, If you have TV, radio, phone and broadband through one supplier it's probably worth sticking with them rather than splitting even if the cost is a little greater. It's possible that you'll just multiply the hassle.
Tiscali have cancelled my broadband in error, I contacted them to tell them I am moving house on 24 August, they have cancelled it from now. When contacted they said there is no way to re-activate my contract and that I would still have to pay for it, is this legal?????
I am now on pay as you go dial up for the next 11 days. I have the name and address of tiscalis customer service manager and have composed a remarkably civil letter.
Talk Talk broadband isn't exactly free. You need to pay £29.99 installation. 8meg depends how far you are from the nearest BT exchange. You might not get anywhere near 8 and between 4.5 and 6 is average. You need a BT line, £11 per month. You are limited to 40GB usage per month, going over that will incur additional charges. You also need to take a call plan costing around £9.99 per month to get the "free" broadband.

Also, it's a minimum 18 month contract.
Originally posted by PDJ@Aug 13 2006, 07:44 PM
I have my cable TV, telephone and broadband all through Telewest.
I'd swap with you - that means that you have access to Racing World, the Setanta package and the cable equivalent of Skyplus!
The cable equivalent is very hard to understand though!! I haven't yet figured it out despite trying. I don't have Racing World either, unless it is subscription and I don't subscribe but it doesn't appear on my channel listings.
Ah, I don't subscribe to Racing UK, I don't have time to watch enough racing to make it worthwhile.
:lol: :lol: I played cricket all day Saturday and watched ATR today as it was raining so the game was cancelled.
Originally posted by PDJ@Aug 13 2006, 08:27 PM
The cable equivalent is very hard to understand though!! I haven't yet figured it out despite trying.
If you are referring to TV Drive, it is the simplest thing in the world.
If you are an existing customer of NTL and are either out or close to being out of your contract, you can get some outstanding deals from retentions, I don't have time now but will post what you can get and the telephone number a bit later

Just as a taster, my 10mb broadband is £9.99 a month :)

Ring retentions and say you are thinking of cancelling as there are better deals out there than NTL are offering.

First of all quote SKY's broadband offer of £10 a month for 16mb with a free wireless router. Retentions 'should' offer you the same deal. 10mb for £9.99 a month, plus (not all staff will offer this, just push and you may get it)) if you buy a router and send them the reciept they will put a credit on your account for the cost of the router up to £90.

Also mention talk talk's offer of free broadband of 8mb when you take their calling package, and they should offer to add (or discount to free if you already have it) talk unlimited to your telephone line free (24/7 free calls to 01/02 numbers).

If you mention Sky TV packages would work out cheaper for you too, you should get at least a £10 discount on family pack rental, or maybe free sky sports/movies or both if you are lucky.

My package is

10mb BB for £9.99
Family pack TV, telephone and talk unlimited £20.50 a month.
£79.99 credit on my bill for wireless router (which was bought from argos, reciept faxed down then returned as I already have one :) )

retentions are on 0800 0520184

If you don't get what you want from the first person you speak to, ring back and speak to someone else, remember to say you are thinking of cancelling though.

Oh and remember, it MUST be retentions you talk to, customer service will offer you something like £2 off your total line rental!

Good luck
Originally posted by PDJ@Aug 13 2006, 09:01 PM
It isn't TV drive, it is called teleport.
Teleport is not what Brian is referring to. TV Drive is.

Teleport is also extremely simple to use.
The ironic fact is that if you have a BT line and the full package (6 mixes plus movies and sports) with Sky, it costs £53.50 but the ntl equivalant (Family plus movies and sports plus telephone line) costs £53.00 - and you get weekend calls free to any landline number with ntl.

Still, everyone hates ntl.
Originally posted by Phil Waters@Aug 13 2006, 09:33 PM
Still, everyone hates ntl.
I just want them to give me the chance to have what customers of their Telewest subsidiary can have.

I know that they "win" worst customer service regularly but from my experience that is a multi-organisation dead-heat of many "service" companies. They are in that dead-heat photo though.