Oh, Big Ron - Will You Never Learn?

i do not being linked directly or indirectly with racism.

Now,that may not ring your bell,but it certainly rings mine.

I would complain to a Moderator if i thought that it would do any good,But it won't so I won't.

The fact that children learn from thier peers and thier elders means,in fact,
other children and thier parents,because i cannot believe that ANY grandparent is going to cause thier grandchild to become a racist.

If i have peed you off, tough.That's how i feel.

Your words,
and most youngster pick up their racism from what they hear their elders and peers say
Originally posted by Derek.Burgess@Jan 23 2005, 09:34 PM
The fact that children learn from thier peers and thier elders means,in fact,
other children and thier parents,because i cannot believe that ANY grandparent is going to cause thier grandchild to become a racist.
Were but this was true.

I do not like being associated with being in the age group which is most likely to watch Big Brother. It doesn't alter the fact that I am (even though I don't).
when was the last time you saw a 63 year old white male kicking the crap out of a black person?

Plenty of documented incidences thirty/forty years ago, Derek. By those men now in their sixties.......

The only reason a lot of them aren't 'kicking the crap' out of coloured people now is because of their physical infirmities and because they know they'd have the crap kicked right back...

Flawed argument!

Hi Songsheet.
i ain't having an arguement,honestly.

I do not wish to be linked with,by age or whatever with Racism.

As a matter of fact my son has a West Indian partner and they have three beautiful boys,they are black as well.

Thirty/Forty years agou would put you in the 1960's and all the young lads were probably to stoned to do any except prcocreate, and they did't care who with.

Oh, i was also in the Army at that time.

Derek - it wasn't aimed at you!

It was just a point about making assumptions about any generation.

One thing we all forget is that now is the news is instant and news programmes need filling.

Stories that hit the headlines and statistics that are presented to us on a minute-by-minute basis were not achievable 40 years ago. There were fewer TV and radio stations for a start!

What is newsworthy today maybe wasn't 30-40 years ago. Times and tolerance levels change every generation.....


Who sais this?

There's loads of guys around of that age with similar views. You won't change them now. Better to focus on how much things have improved in this country and to keep moving forwards, than to focus on these dinosaurs.

If it were a comparable 40YO who said it then I'd be more concerned, but he's not on the telly any more so what the hell does it matter what he says?

Given that there is was a need, in this instance, to indicate that the "kicking the crap" was being done to persons whose Mellanin count is higher than those doing the kicking.

And further given the need to avoid the words "Asian" (offensive), "black" (offensive), "Pakistani" (offensive), I could go on. In fact, I can't actually think of a single word which would indicate this which I have not heard being construed as offensive.

What word would you rather was used?
I was thinking the same thing. What word is actually PC nowadays? I thought "coloured" was fine to use. Shows how much I know. :confused:
Originally posted by simmo@Jan 26 2005, 06:02 PM

And further given the need to avoid the words "Asian" (offensive), "black" (offensive), "Pakistani" (offensive),
these are PC , coloured is not.
Sorry Walker but it really is hard to know what is, and what is not, offensive these days.

I am tempted to get particularly arsey next time someone calls me 'white' - surely it should be 'Caucasian' ... ?

And the amount of dosh I spend during the summer on tanning products means that I personally find the term 'white' during those months to very offensive and non PC.... :P

If someone is Asian, why would it be offensive to refer to them as Asian?

Same with Black and Pakistani?

To refer to someone as coloured is putting all the above and a whole lot more into one category, a category that is basically everything but white.

I agree it is hard to know what is PC and what is not, for example, dyke. The lesbian community are currently trying to "reclaim" the word dyke. Now is it going to be ok for a straight person to refer to them as a "dyke" or do you have to be a lesbian to use this word?

Stuff like that is kinda silly, but coloured, not PC in anyones book as far as i know.
You will probably find that it is the people who determine what is and what isn't PC who are the ones that are offended, not the ones in question.
Originally posted by Walker@Jan 28 2005, 12:06 PM

If someone is Asian, why would it be offensive to refer to them as Asian?

Same with Black and Pakistani?
Precisely my thoughts on the matter. I believe that the complaints are generally raised because it suggests a difference of sorts between two people. Next they'll be telling me that I can't say whether my t-shirt is blue or purple on the basis that it is wrong to differetiate between two colours like this - it encourages rascism.