Oisin Murphy


Senior Jockey
Aug 8, 2007
I cannot quite make sense of this story today . Are jockeys warned in advance they are going to be tested ? Unless that is the case and he was unwell ( and I suppose haemorrhoids could if bad enough be difficult for a jockey) why is he being referred to the BHA ?
I cannot quite make sense of this story today . Are jockeys warned in advance they are going to be tested ? Unless that is the case and he was unwell ( and I suppose haemorrhoids could if bad enough be difficult for a jockey) why is he being referred to the BHA ?
Gutter press sensationalism at its best trouble is 50% of people will believe it. Journalistic Licence at its worst…….not much to report on lets make a damming headline to sell a few more papers 🤬
I’ll always remember going to see my lovely doctor after I’d given birth to my first child and saying to him ‘ Doctor I think I’ve got piles’. His reply ( and this has to be said in the loveliest of lovely Irish accents) ‘well, now, aren’t you the lucky one’. Nearly 50 years later and I can still hear him saying it. He was a proper old school doctor and the kindest man you could ever wish to meet; I worked for him years later and and he was a joy to work with.
Matt Chapman has posted on Twitter in his defence - and blaming the Racing Post for writing an article designed to give the wrong impression, as he wouldnt have known about a random test. Pure clickbait journaalism and a measure of what the RP has become IMO
He's also the arch self-publicist.and will no doubt have broadcast his 'charitable' act with that end in mind.:rolleyes:
He was the driving force behind a gofundme campaign that raised in excess of £200K for Tylicli after he was partially paralysed at Kempton.
He is also involved in fundraising for Graham Lee.
It makes me laugh how the ‘sport of kings’ has to fund raise for jockeys in life changing circumstances, and even then, the sums raised are pitiful. Millionaire owners can’t put their hands in their pockets ffs?
Freddie Tylici sued Graham Gibbons for 6million and won his case and you can bet he was in receipt of more than a few helping hands being Champion Apprentice
Actually relieved as worried his demons had got the better of him. He's like my son. Looks calm on the outside but like a Swan on water he's perpetual motion.