One for Newswatch?

I'm not entirely sure why you mention that in your post

I'm guessing here, but it might be because the story was that a person, who was the daughter of surviving parents, was eaten alive by a person who was mentally ill. It has been reported that the mental illness, in this instance, had an extensive bearing on the motivation of the murderer.

I, on the other hand, am entirely perplexed as to why you feel that DO asking people to disclose their medical history has any relevance to the subject of the thread? Looks like a flimsy excuse for self-aggrandisement to me.
I've edited this post as I think after taking some time to read about the story that the neglect of this patient by the mental health services probably has influenced what he did. So I apologise for misinterpreting DO.

This is why I always have said they need to focus on the really ill people, give people with real chronic mental illness proper treatment, and prioritise this over the '1 in 4' in society that suffer from mental illness.

In an ideal world you can care and treat both, but in reality they have to prioritise somewhere.

I think they've always found it difficult to care for people on the severe scale, not just in Wales but everywhere.
A fine line sometimes between banging people up for eternity and abusing their rights, versus the rights of society to be kept safe.
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On a wider note, it is always convenient to blame this on mental health illness.
His (Matthew Williams) own mother said that he should be hospitalised -- long before the killing. He suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.
Yes I should have read more about this before commenting, Icebreaker, see my post above yours.
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I'm not entirely sure why you mention that in your post, seems like you want to exaggerate the story, flippantly using the topic of mental health to create a panic.

Geez, did you misinterpret that.

Anyone who saw Silence of the Lambs will remember how chilling a character HL was. The killer in this instance was likened to him; that's why I mentioned it. Obviously any horrific murder is just that. Maybe HL wasn't mentally ill, just pure evil. Maybe that was my mistake but I was simply trying to get some vague notion of what kind of torment the girl's family was going through. Flippancy was the last thing on my mind. That's the very thing I was criticising Ms Bruce (or at least whoever scripted the item) for.

I certainly have no wish to know anything about anyone's medical history.

Marble, I've just seen your edit. I think we're on the same wavelength now.
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My first thoughts were about another film.. Alive. But like most films I mean to watch, never got round to it.
Alive - I read the book long before I saw the film - is a completely different situation and circumstances.

I suggest anyone who hasn't read the book (whether or not you know the story or have seen the film) do so. I couldn't put it down.