Open Again - New Mods & More


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
Hi All

Firstly let me apologise for not doing this earlier, but during the summer I am very busy, and I just haven't had time yet.

The Chit Chat section of the site is now open again, and we have 3 new moderators, so welcome to Gareth, Melendez and Griffin. Galileo (Aidan) is staying on as administrator along with me.

I would like to say thank you to Ardross, Songsheet and Brian for their help over the years. It isn't an easy job, and you can never please everyone all the time.

I have been speaking with Galileo this evening and we decided that with the new moderators would be a good time to have a new start. Anyone with warnings on their account will have them reset to zero, and be able to start again.

With regard to warnings, if a moderator gives you a warning I will not over-rule that decision under any circumstances. If you don't like it then you need to PM the moderator first to ask if they will reconsider. If you don't agree with their explanation then you can PM Galileo who will look at both sides and let you know the outcome. In extreme cases I may get involved but if the moderators agree I will not go over their heads.

With regard the rules, they aren't there for a joke. There were reasons they were introduced, and I know some weren't happy when they were, but the sad fact is, a forum of this size needs rules to run or it can lead to problems. Having said that, i'm not expecting someone to be banned or warned if they say '######' for example. It depends on the context. It might seem like one rule for one one for another but we will always take things in the context they are written rather than just having a blanket rule, one size doesn't fit all! This does mean that people will disagree on things, when this happens the moderators will have the final say.

I am aware that some people have said they are leaving and not coming back, thats their choice, but hopefully they will reconsider.

I have, over the years, spent many many hours and quite a bit of money, on setting the various forums up, and I was very close to closing it the other night. It isn't something I want to do so lets all try to get the forum back to where it was, the best :)

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to improve the forums then feel free to PM either myself or Aidan. If anyone has any major problems, or just wants to chat about the forum, I am on msn most nights and sometimes during the day, my msn address is dvds_2000 @ (remove the spaces). You are much more likely to get a response quickly on there than by PM on here (my msn is on practically 24/7, if I don't answer I'm not there but will answer when i get back!). I'm going to open a sub forum in here for bargains & good deals to be posted, partly to help fund the forum (by using the affiliate links) and partly because I've been asked a few times for it. If it doesn't work I'll remove it.

Anyway hope that clears the air a little and we can start afresh.

Welcome to the new mods, and fair play to them for taking on the extra load...which it is.

Hope fully things can return to normal...but as Col said thats up to us not him.

To get this place back to normal or how it was some time ago its not just up to me and the moderators. There is no point saying the place has gone down hill if your not contributing to the posts themselves and getting involved in the debate. The place has had problems (as does every fourm) but its not going to magically go back to how it was if the old members and indeed the new ones looking in do not get involved and post.
Good to see everything is back to some sort of normality, I have a lot of time for all the newly appointed mods as well as Galileo and I think all are pretty neutral.
Quote; I'm going to open a sub forum in here for bargains & good deals to be posted

My bungalow is still on the market ( 7 months ) on the outskirts of Hull, have reduced the price by £2K and installed new UPVC windows, also included an inflatable so any prospective buyer can get to the shops....
Good to be back, hello all and can I thank Col for re-opening this, I know I sound sad but my life consists of work and sitting at home watching TV and interwebbing. This forum gives me plenty of fun and information
On a more serious note, I sincerely hope the forum members who have recently decided to leave will take Col at his word and give the forum a last chance (or is that a dirty phrase?). The heart will be ripped out of the forum if this does not happen.

To the exiles : I can understand that there are matters of principle at stake and egos bruised, but allowing allowing a lengthy cooling off period could result in a forum full of tumbleweed blowing about when/if you get back. There has been too much invested in this place to allow that to happen.

Take a deep breath and wade in. Help it get back to being the way you want it. If it still doesn't work, you lose little in trying.
I'm not holding my breath.

I reckon one or two of the usual suspects will be on noising people up and p*ssing them off within a day or two.

I do hope the forum can get back on its feet but it's not been 'right' since certain contributors killed the friendliness of the place. They've certainly ruined it for me.

I'm not a fighter. I am not the type to bite back. Occasionally when provoked, maybe, but it's usually quite out of character. I'm much more likely to walk away for a time and ignore the morons.
In that case, may your balls shrivel to the size of petits pois!

(edit: The curse was aimed at BTB, my sincere apologies if it hit you by mistake DO)
I've never been away and even managed to be the top poster for two days running by posting some total and utter crap!! :clap:

More seriously, well done to the newly appointed moderators for accepting the challenge and to Galileo who I know has been very active behind the scenes helping to get this show back on the road.

I am sure the new system will work fine and we don't need reminding that the only people that can make this a great place are the people that contribute to it and hopefully give the moderators very little to do.
Originally posted by Melendez@Jun 27 2007, 08:31 PM
In that case, may your balls shrivel to the size of petits pois!
If this is what we're going to be asked to put up with from moderators...
EDIT - Have the courtesy of asking me to edit my own post before you burst in and do it.

Dear Moderators,

When will my warning bar be reset to zero? I have been waiting for this moment for so long I am hoping to celebrate with a drink when it finally happens.

Thanking you in advance,

Nah, it's just been one of those days, SL!

I need to get fit for my Run for Life in 2 weeks and promised to do a 3 mile run tomorrow morning. I couldn't face that after drinking the night before - hence the cocoa. For many people 3 miles is nowt but I haven't done any running for months. :shy:
Start afresh does not mean go on other forums, moan & take the pi$$ about decisions made on here, vow never to visit the place again, then an hour and a half later comment on something thats happened here.

I don't want people like that on here.

No doubt will get slagged off for that too but such is life. Can hardly try a fresh start when the arguments are still simmering away elsewhere as ultimately they will arise here
Originally posted by dvds2000@Jun 27 2007, 11:21 PM
Start afresh does not mean go on other forums and moan & take the pi$$ about decisions made on here, vow never to visit the place again, then an hour and a half later comment on something thats happened here.
Absolutely. Talk about precious.