Out of Cheltenham 2016


Senior Jockey
Aug 8, 2007
About this time of year they start dropping like flies so record them here !

Poor Danny Mullins and his kneecap
Violet Dancer with a condylar fracture

Worrying news also tonight that Ar Mad lame after his win at Plumpton .
Ar Mad obviously confirmed earlier.

but now Simonsig definitely not going either. Although I'm amazed the RP even bothered to spend the time writing this piece of inevitable news up.
Ar Mad obviously confirmed earlier.

but now Simonsig definitely not going either. Although I'm amazed the RP even bothered to spend the time writing this piece of inevitable news up.

from the rp earlier


wait what?
Don't the conditions of the race make it impossible for any horse to regain the Arkle crown?
I suppose a horse could go into the Arkle a maiden - win the race - not run again and get disqualified two months later for a positive test and regain his crown by winning it the following year .

Save for that very unlikely scenario where do they get their staff from ??? Mind you yesterday some sub-editor put up a headline mad to miss plumpton - which when you read the article was meant to say you would be mad to miss backing Ar Mad rather than the horse was missing the race which it appeared to suggest .
Rather odd rules that cut out a double past winner of the race who has run well and then won in his two runs this year .
Connections of Salsify knew the rules though so they have find of ruled themselves out of the equation.

True but a daft rule to not have exceptions for past winners or winners of a high class hunter chase .
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