Outsiders P / L 2018/2019

ONE LAST HUG 310nc 1pt ew 25/1

I've always thought this horse needed a mile rather than 7f but tomorrow it steps up to 10f.i dont know if that is too far or not but at 25s I have to do it.
Peter's pudding 800w Friday 1pt ew 100/1.
Showed a bit more promise a couple of days ago over 6f.drop to 5f will suit.massive price.
MONBEG AQUEDUCT 1230 weth 1pt ew 8/1

I had high Hopes for this horse.been a bit disappointing really after he beat a good horse in a ptp.but going up to wetherby and Patrick claiming 3lb and been dropped 12 lb this season gives me optimism.

For what it's worth I'm in the Lostintranslation camp for the king george.i like the way he jumps and travels well in his races.

Hope you all have a good and profitable christmas.
Well that was expensive.monbeg obviously didnt put running at wetherby on its Christmas list.got his arse smacked after the first and downed tools.
Lostintranslation was also very disappointing.
Not a good day.
One last hug 430nc 1pt ew 16/1 4 places

I've always thought a mile would suit and today it's a mile,class7 so it wont get many better chances.
I've done stratum and canardier in the 250 and thyme white and bajan excell in the 450.
Copperhead in the rsa and the glancing queen in the bumper.fingers crossed.
Not having a very good week.

Getting desperate now.
beat the judge 1pt ew 66/1 6 places210c
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