P Hobbs Form

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Yes, I bet that makes the backers of Gold Medallist (2/9) and French Saulaie (4/6) feel a whole lot better!!!
You pay your money and take your choice Useful. If you want to back odds-on without considering trainer form you're going to get stung.
Irish, for the record I wasn't financially involved with the two horses I mentioned.

The point of the thread was to determine if the Hobbs yard is out of form and if history shows it to be so during Jan and Feb in previous seasons.

Although he just had a winner this does not signal a turn around in fortunes. O'Neill had two 10/1 plus winners recently but in the main his horses are still running poorly.
Another good yard which is seriously out of form is Peter Bowen's

At least Kim Muir had a winner today!
True Headstrong, though they had an almighty e/w gamble on Snoopy Loopy in the 2.50 which came third - was the 25/1 rag in the RP but returned 6/1.

Kim Muir??
Oh, yes. Sad how he has fallen from the top rank - only just over a decade since Master Oats and Alderbrook.

I live quite close to his old yard at Preston Capes and visited it in the summer. Its a beautiful part of the world.
Maruco, I don't know the answer to your question.

I was at Barbury Castle from Oct. 2000 until Feb. 2001 the horses didn't have any jabs during that period, but, as you can see, that was some time ago and the regime may now be different.
Alex Hales invited me last week to see his yard at Preston Capes, Useful. I went there when Kim Baily trained there - it's a great yard. I would love to go back again one day.
Originally posted by Headstrong+Jan 30 2008, 01:57 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Headstrong @ Jan 30 2008, 01:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-uncle goober@Jan 29 2008, 09:26 PM
All-weather gallops or not, alot of yards have to get the horses from their stables to those all-weather gallops without simply levitating, which means that if ground is covered in ice there might be a struggle to get the horses out ! get me ?
There's about 15/30 yards from AK's stable blocks to the start of his extensive a/w gallops, depending which stable block the respective horse is in. And you should well know I'm talking about a deep freeze, when it's not even poss to take the horses out of the yard, or deep snow, not a few hours of frost in the morning! But maybe you are both too young to remember a bad winter [/b][/quote]
Would you ever make your mind up Headstrong? Your comment was directly referring to not having had a freeze to kill off bacteria - how many feet of snow precisely is required to kill them off?! The freeze we had will have been more than sufficient - and the question of King not being able to get his horses out wasn't even encountered until tetley decided that I had said as such which I hadn't even touched upon.

Ok Warbler, so wrong terminology - we all have blonde/senile moments :shy: Layout of the yard then!
I think I noticed a Hales horse running in the famous Tuckey colours the other day (Gunther McBride, Chilling Place etc). Dakota Boy I believe.

This is good as it may mean Hales is starting to get some decent owners behind him in his new base.

Did Bailey own it, or just rent? Why did he move back to Gloucs?

Also Milton Harris is my other "local" trainer, but haven't found his yard yet on my travels!
Thanks Irish - I see its actually on the border with Oxfordshire so not really that local to Northampton!
Well tetley, if what you said had nothing whatsoever to do with what I had said previously and was instead down to King being able to get his horses out [which I had mentioned nowhere nor had I touched upon whether King could get his horses out], why on earth did you quote my post when responding if your comment was completely non-relating to what I had said?
Because the thread included a reference to the poor form of P.Hobbs and A. King wether people assume it's viral or weather releated I don't know, your post seemed to suggest it could have been due to the cold snap, I was merely pointing out that King has access to the all weather gallops so maybe loss of form was due to something else.
My post did nothing of the sort, tetley.

Read it again, I was merely pointing out to Headstrong that we have indeed had a cold snap this season.
And I was pointing out that we haven't had the kind of prolonged deep freeze - certainly not down south - which was normal at this time of year in the past. The kind when you had to take the horses round and round a straw covered circle for days and days - and which would kill bugs *inside* the barns. We haven't really had one of those for a few years; in the past - certainly in my childhood - they were common. Viruses proliferate int he mild winters we have become used to.

The Aon meeting was lost to a freeze a couple of years back, but only 'on the day' - we were all there! - but I can't remember any real shutdown in the south due to freezing conditions, for some time. You are less than half my age SL. Believe it or not you haven't yet seen it all.
Headstrong, don't come all patronising on me. Just because you are double my age doesn't make you all-seeing and all-knowing.

Believe it or not I do know slightly more than the average snail, despite being a mere youth. Regardless of whether or not we no longer have the wonderful deep freezes of yore, we have had enough cold weather this season to kill bugs and bacteria. It may well be well above zero by the time that you exit your boudoir at lunchtime but believe it or not we have had several hard frosts this winter which will be more than enough to kill any bacteria lurking. Now, I confess that I'm not a pensioner but that also means that it was only around 12 years ago that I finished my A-levels, biology and chemistry included - which, yes, involved modules in both on biochemistry (indeed my biology teacher got me to teach our class the biochemistry modules!) So I am not entirely clueless and, having primarily been a scientist as a youngster, I am aware that 6ft of snow is not a requirement to kill off bacteria and viruses. They're not quite as resilient as your old-fashioned, "good old days" bugs that you so fondly remember, you know!

I was also at that abandoned Aon meeting (actually it's the Totesport Trophy meeting but I know what you mean) and if you think that has been the only frozen off meeting down south in recent years you are sadly mistaken and way, way off the mark.

Don't also let's forget that you changed your own original argument halfway and rather condescendingly sneered at myself and Goober for not being old enough to remember a "proper winter" - oh, how we regret that! Actually, we don't mind being young and having our wits about us - it's certainly not a bat that you can beat us with and make us feel like idiots. Amidst that sneering were comments about not being able to get out of stables due to heavy snowfall which wasn't even what you were saying in the first place, for the love of God!