Paedo Ring

This is bullshit ec

He went public and also made public jusgements on ridiculous evidence which I will contend he knew to be untrue

Of course he can pass stuff on but his subsequent actions were disgusting to put it mildly
This is bullshit ec

He went public and also made public jusgements on ridiculous evidence which I will contend he knew to be untrue

Of course he can pass stuff on but his subsequent actions were disgusting to put it mildly

the press "went public" about many people ..Cliff for instance..the police themselves made sure they got filmed invading his life..have they apologised to him?..have they bugger..have the press convinced the gullible public they need

going public at the moment is not something anyone apologises for from what i've seen over the last few years....unless its an ex tory mp or tory worthy. Are they a special case?..or are we all in it together?

you contend he knew the truth?..i can contend anything i want about anything..doesn't make it true..thats just a nonsense.

all this apology nonsense is smart alec hindsight attitude..its put about by the media to the brainwashed masses to contrive a negative impact on Watson. Now why would the media particularly have it in for Watson..oh hacking

its just a campaign against someone who exposed them for what they are..and gullibles swallow it hook line and sinker..its just plain old revenge

the press generally..are a bunch of utter shitbags..70% of the their output is rubbishy biased and nasty minded.
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So you can complain about cliff Richard and defend Watson.

And nd I don't actually recall anyone in the press stating that cr was "evil" and that they had evidence when they clearly didn't . Do you?

Why ? Because they would be sued and rightly so

but Watson uses "parliamentary privilege" that's ok then is it? To hound a dying innocent man with "evidence" which was an absolute joke. And he knew it

i will contend that he knew full well these claims were entirely made up.

Hes as a fat hypocrite. Wants the press muzzled as far as possible but thinks it's fine for him to slander .

You think that if you threw false allegations at a dying man just to smear his name you would have nothing to apologise for?
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oh...yes i know the story Clive..i haven't made bits up like you though....i also know your history on here....i know what you represent..basically the same as the right wing press..same prejudices and biases they have

you only criticise people you don't like..and soak up the spoon fed bile the press spew never look at anything from a balanced its a bit pointless wasting time on it really
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