Paul Nicholls Responsbility

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce_Savage
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Bruce, your post of the 6th states that there are too many people 'without the capital' to be in ownership (but who are) who are causing corruption. That's tosh, isn't it? There are a number of people who take up owning horses, either solely or in conjunction with others, because they want to be in the know; they open up telephone tipping lines and they constantly trawl jockeys and trainers for insider information to pass along to their telephone customers. They have no particular interest in their horses as personalities or individuals - in fact, the animals are to give them credibility as being in the game and in touch with all sorts of contacts. But they do have the capital - you cannot be in racing without it!

That's not corrupt, per se, but once these 'owners' begin laying their own horses, the BHA rules say that it is, and then they may be invited to produce their phone records for review. There are usually one or two active cases under such review at any given time, which shows - as SteveM says - the pernicious effect that the exchanges have had on racing.

There's always been a desire for 'inside info', from the very earliest days of racing, up to now, and there always will be. There is little point in 'inside info', imho. You're better off doing your own homework than listening to some trainer's head lad (last hot tip to a colleague of mine who backed it, a sluggish sixth) or someone who's heard that XYZ is working well at home - great, but do you seriously ever hear when XYZ is reported as a total pig at home?

As for Flame, I don't think there's anything essentially wrong with his averral that owners (and trainers) shouldn't feel under any pressure that they should share information with the public. I don't think it's any secret that Flame works very closely with his own horses and is a keen punter. If he feels he can benefit from the knowledge he works hard to gain, then why should he not take advantage of that first, before deciding whether to share it or not? That's no biggie, is it? No-one else is helping him pay for his costs, and no-one is offering him a cut of their winnings if his horse romps in. So why should he feel under obligation to impart any information?

In the case of many horses, it's probably easier to avoid the potential corruption of stable staff with bungs from players by coming out with as much information as might be informative, without in any way encouraging gambling. The last thing you want is to cloak the yard in secrecy, and then find that half your stable staff is on the take to watchers and their customers!
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No-one else is helping him pay for his costs

Yes they are. Prize money. Where does that come from ?

I know its going on about it a bit but do these racing insiders have any concern for the future of racing at all? Ok we can perhaps accept that at the lower level, punters expectation are low but to justify a "none of your business" attitude at the higher level is economically illiterate, bone headed and short sighted.

There are other sports to bet on, as punters increasingly do. Sports that do not treat their followers as if they prying into some private business.
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If he feels he can benefit from the knowledge he works hard to gain, then why should he not take advantage of that first, before deciding whether to share it or not?

this is the bit i can't really agree on Kri

When Barney Curley lands one of his touches with a horse that has been off for a year he generally gets lots of stick..but what he does is exactly what you are siding with here..yes its part of the game..and i personally think BC uses the system in a way it deserves to be used....but it shouldn't really be used like that..particularly if you want to attract people to bet on the sport

when you say.. take advantage..what you mean is get a much bigger price than SP...which is not taking advantage..its taking money from others ignorance

i'll say again..i'm not getting at Flame..his attitude is reflected in 80% of owners i would think.

i can see why the attitude is there..buts its arrogant and elitist..dress it up how you want..its both of those things

I also think its an attitude that pushes many punters into other sports to bet on
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Its rubbish to say that prize money does not come from punters. Sorry but thats crap

The levy wouldnt be paid if no one was punting would it?

And sponsorship? Where would that be with an audience that has turned its back?
When I see younger people in betting shops..they are rarely betting on horses

I think when you keep hearing older people say..they don't run em for us..and saying most races are bent..I think that the newer generation do take stock of these comments from older punters..and in this age..they think..why bother with it if its bent or you must have inside knowledge?..i'll just play the machines..or go home and get online and play poker

the days where each generation of punters is just like the well and truly over..if racing expects another generation just to accept they are being had over..its making a mistake

yes attendances are doing well..but is this just to do with having groups play after racing?

I think the game needs more transparency if it wants to keep the betting public's interest
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In fairness to Flame I think he has been fairly generous with the information he provides on this forum.I keep an eye on a couple of his horses and it's been profitable.
I think Willie Mullins the most helpful trainer with his comments by a long way.
I always remember a certain Yorkshire trainer being quoted as saying his horse was working well and he thought the horse would win.Started at 20/1 and was beaten a long way.I'd say Mick Easterby didn't have to worry about annoying calls from the RP after that.
In fairness to Flame I think he has been fairly generous with the information he provides on this forum.I keep an eye on a couple of his horses and it's been profitable.
I think Willie Mullins the most helpful trainer with his comments by a long way.
I always remember a certain Yorkshire trainer being quoted as saying his horse was working well and he thought the horse would win.Started at 20/1 and was beaten a long way.I'd say Mick Easterby didn't have to worry about annoying calls from the RP after that.

Flame has given good stuff argument

in your posting there you are talking like he's done us a favour..why do punters need people like Flame to do them favours?

this is the argument i'm bringing to the good is a sport where if folk don't do you favours you are going struggle making money?..its a lot easier to learn a game you can use your own skill to win at...which in my experience younger people are doing

waiting for crumbs/favours is a shit way to try and win money imo
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Out of interest EC1 -how much information do you think should be in the public domain.

As much as possible

Lets put it this way..if 8 horses run in a race tomorrow...and i know for a fact that all of them are 100% fit and trying..i'd still be faced with a big job picking the winner..but thats up to me to master reading form

If i don't know ..that only two of em are trying and are 100% fit..and i found that out after the race..with comments like..we knew he would come on for the race....he didn't eat up etc...then the chance of finding the winner is even harder

As i love racing....i still stick with it..but younger people aren't going to..there is so much choice now.

If hiding information from the public is deemed smart and astute and for only "those in the know" then the game is shagged long term imo

The only reason for the public being kept ignorant of stuff is to have an edge gained over them...i think this generation won't be as tolerant as past ones...times are changing at a rate of knots
If I was an owner I wouldn't want my information getting out to the public because I pay the bills and as someone that isn't an owner I want the most information possible!

There really is no middle ground in this argument.
If I was an owner I wouldn't want my information getting out to the public because I pay the bills and as someone that isn't an owner I want the most information possible!

There really is no middle ground in this argument.

you want that information to have an edge over those that don't.

yes thats horse racing..and has been for years

my point is..isn't it time the game moved into the 21st century?..started being more appealing/transparent to younger people who have any number of other ways to channel their money for machines..and a multitude of other sports

its not too appealing knowing that if you are not "in the know" you lose your money..particularly if you can take part gambling in a sport or game where that doesn't exist

like i said..even if knowing all horses are 100% well..the game is a hard challenge..without that knowledge who will give a fook over the next 10 years?...people like me..old buggers..but gravy train of old buggers will dry up.
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In America the vast majority of gallops are public knowledge and I don't know if their racing is any cleaner.
For me a major part of the game is trying to understand various trainers and what the specialize in.
I think all horses should be fit going to the races-I can remember not liking the jumps in the 80s because too many good horses weren't ready first time out-that has certainly changed over the years.
an owner should always have an edge over a punter. otherwise there is very little point in being an owner. 90% of races are for shit prizemoney that would struggle to pay the stable fees for the month. Its obviously very different if you are lucky enough to have a top animal as they tend to have mapped out races and plans.
Punters do not own racing. And owners owe punters nothing.
an owner should always have an edge over a punter. otherwise there is very little point in being an owner. 90% of races are for shit prizemoney that would struggle to pay the stable fees for the month. Its obviously very different if you are lucky enough to have a top animal as they tend to have mapped out races and plans.
Punters do not own racing. And owners owe punters nothing.

what would happen if no one turned up at any racecourse for a couple of months? pointless being an owner?

but if no one owned another horse punters would just go to other sports

I think as far as "who owes who" goes..the edge is with the punter
EC1 - ask yourself, as someone who is clearly a regular, dedicated and applied punter, if you owned a bunch of horses like Flame does, would you be telling everyone how they're doing and which ones to get on? Bearing in mind that Flame is also a regular, dedicated and applied punter!

Now, if it were me, I' be worried witless that anything I passed on to any inquirers might turn out to not be good for their health. I could say sure, my horses are always trying, my trainer always presents them in 100% condition, my jockey is always told to ride his nuts off for the best possible placing. I could say that we're running Bonzo Dog in the Seller, well below his ability, and that you should all put your house, car, dog, and wife on. What do you think of my transparency when Bonzo flops the start, doesn't make up the ground, and comes in a gallant third? Are you highly delighted with my kind honesty, or do you, cynical punting bugger that you probably are in your heart, convinced I've put you away, and that I've probably had it off big time on the winner?

There is SO MUCH cynicism among 'real' punters that owners and trainers are hung if they don't give out 'enough' information, and hung if they are 'transparent' but get it wrong. Punting guys always seem to assume the worst about racing's connections, so why on earth would you want to solicit information which, as regular/dedicated punters, you're quite capable of working out for yourselves?

As for watching gallops - unless you know how the horse should run, what worth are they to you? Are you really, seriously going to get up horribly early to watch open gallops like those at Lambourn, solicit information from watching trainers/stable staff, and translate these into pocket-filling bets?

Honestly, this notion that everyone is doing wonderfully well for themselves is just bosh. Who tonight decided to couple THE TATLING, a stunning sprinter still at 14, with the Songsheet-bred NOVABRIDGE, who's been there or thereabouts from the get-go? The result was there for all to see who bothered and who had been noting these two horses' performances - you honestly didn't need inside information to box these two.

I can't believe that anyone here seriously rates 'insider' information any better than a tipping line. You might as well sign up to Thommo if that's what you think will win you squillions. Of course there are betting coups, but they are as likely to come from men who've attached themselves to certain jockeys, not trainers, who have way too much to lose, and owners, who are - unless, as I said, they're pro punters themselves - blinded by emotional attachment. I meet winning owners all the time and the vast majority are amazed/delighted/shocked that their horse has won - and about 1% has had anything other than a goodwill fiver on them!

Oh, and by the way - the tens of thousands of people attending all the big meetings (and the fives and sixes of thousands at the smaller ones) go for a day's pleasure and a bit of fun punting. Racing is so not the dying duck you seem to be willing it to be, EC - you seem to not derive any pleasure from it. It seems to be a commercial enterprise to you and I've got to say that sometimes, trainers don't want to be seen to be associated with the heavier aspects of pro gambling for good reasons - they will then be accused of pulling horses or setting them out to achieve coups for which they'll get backhanders. If you don't find trainers falling over themselves to whisper in professional gamblers' ears, that's one good reason. As for alerting the entire punting public to a potential 'good thing' - as I've said, they're damned if they do and it fails to deliver. They have enough on their plates without trying to appease people trying to make money out of their owners' horses.
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an owner should always have an edge over a punter. otherwise there is very little point in being an owner. 90% of races are for shit prizemoney that would struggle to pay the stable fees for the month. Its obviously very different if you are lucky enough to have a top animal as they tend to have mapped out races and plans.
Punters do not own racing. And owners owe punters nothing.

Backward attitude.
In what way is that a backward attitude? Whatever punters 'put into' racing, it's a deal between them and the bookies ('real' punters not visiting the Tote), where the punters hope to take thousands out of the game and, because of the rise of the offshore bookie and the exchanges, sees half the amount there used to be going via the Levy Board back into the product off which they prosper.

Okay, so which punters on here never use the exchanges and never bet offshore? If you're using either of these, none of your money goes into racing and certainly not one penny supports owners. So get over yourselves.
EC1 - ask yourself, as someone who is clearly a regular, dedicated and applied punter, if you owned a bunch of horses like Flame does, would you be telling everyone how they're doing and which ones to get on? Bearing in mind that Flame is also a regular, dedicated and applied punter!

Now, if it were me, I' be worried witless that anything I passed on to any inquirers might turn out to not be good for their health. I could say sure, my horses are always trying, my trainer always presents them in 100% condition, my jockey is always told to ride his nuts off for the best possible placing. I could say that we're running Bonzo Dog in the Seller, well below his ability, and that you should all put your house, car, dog, and wife on. What do you think of my transparency when Bonzo flops the start, doesn't make up the ground, and comes in a gallant third? Are you highly delighted with my kind honesty, or do you, cynical punting bugger that you probably are in your heart, convinced I've put you away, and that I've probably had it off big time on the winner?

There is SO MUCH cynicism among 'real' punters that owners and trainers are hung if they don't give out 'enough' information, and hung if they are 'transparent' but get it wrong. Punting guys always seem to assume the worst about racing's connections, so why on earth would you want to solicit information which, as regular/dedicated punters, you're quite capable of working out for yourselves?

As for watching gallops - unless you know how the horse should run, what worth are they to you? Are you really, seriously going to get up horribly early to watch open gallops like those at Lambourn, solicit information from watching trainers/stable staff, and translate these into pocket-filling bets?

Honestly, this notion that everyone is doing wonderfully well for themselves is just bosh. Who tonight decided to couple THE TATLING, a stunning sprinter still at 14, with the Songsheet-bred NOVABRIDGE, who's been there or thereabouts from the get-go? The result was there for all to see who bothered and who had been noting these two horses' performances - you honestly didn't need inside information to box these two.

I can't believe that anyone here seriously rates 'insider' information any better than a tipping line. You might as well sign up to Thommo if that's what you think will win you squillions. Of course there are betting coups, but they are as likely to come from men who've attached themselves to certain jockeys, not trainers, who have way too much to lose, and owners, who are - unless, as I said, they're pro punters themselves - blinded by emotional attachment. I meet winning owners all the time and the vast majority are amazed/delighted/shocked that their horse has won - and about 1% has had anything other than a goodwill fiver on them!

there is a difference between telling people to "get on" and saying my horse is actually at the races..if asked

its not about what i'd do..i'm talking about what racing needs to do..its outdated ..all this them and us..we know.. you don't.. stuff.

I'm sure some owners have a horse..purely for the pleasure it brings..gasp...that would be why i would want a racehorse anyway

cynicism amongst punters has been bred over the years..thats what happens when people are regularly misled and find out afterwards.

Many people here and elsewhere rate inside information..I personally don't that much..purely because every stable has it and so even if you know your horse is ready..another stable may also have theirs ready

so actually having the information is no guarantee of riches...but most punters believe you can't win without it..and so obviously do owners

if the only beauty about being an owner is to tell yourself you know something others don't..then its a bit of a sad pursuit i reckon
In what way is that a backward attitude? Whatever punters 'put into' racing, it's a deal between them and the bookies ('real' punters not visiting the Tote), where the punters hope to take thousands out of the game and, because of the rise of the offshore bookie and the exchanges, sees half the amount there used to be going via the Levy Board back into the product off which they prosper.

Okay, so which punters on here never use the exchanges and never bet offshore? If you're using either of these, none of your money goes into racing and certainly not one penny supports owners. So get over yourselves.

Don't Betfair pay a levy of some kind?

what would be the use of owning a racehorse if no one goes through the gates in future?
Punters (and i use that term and not viewers) are trying to land a bet on a horse. If you think the owners shouldnt know before the guy standing in the shop then honestly what is the point of being an owner for 90% of those that have some sort of ownership. As a punter I dont think I should know everything that an owner knows. I dont have that privilege.
There is some extraordinary stuff here. Is there any other sport where clear dislike for the followers is so obvious?

The idea that punters contribute nothing to the sport is astonishing. You may as well claim that football would carry on as it is merrily without a single supporter.
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Punters (and i use that term and not viewers) are trying to land a bet on a horse. If you think the owners shouldnt know before the guy standing in the shop then honestly what is the point of being an owner for 90% of those that have some sort of ownership. As a punter I dont think I should know everything that an owner knows. I dont have that privilege.

When someone pays to get in a racecourse don't they pay to know something about the horses that are racing? ie..if the horse can put one leg in front of the other on that particular day..i'm not talking about knowing if a horse is catching pigeons here.

Or is it the case that the game is just rigged against the punter..he just has a form card and has to guess the finess levels himself.

If he does just have to guess..then the game is basically a lottery where skill means nothing.

So as a novice sports bettor..i can play the real lottery..well thats worth a quid coz thats all the chance i've got..then I can go racing..oh shit thats a lot of money to get in to a place where skill isn't rewarded..its probably worth a fiver..then I can take part in games and sports where skill is rewarded..right i'll get me real wad out now then.
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