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Paul O`grady Show

Originally posted by Ardross@Dec 5 2006, 01:21 PM
It is a derogatory term - about which one member of the forum complained . So I edited it out as being a breach of the forum rules .
Now I am really worried - if one member complains about a word we have to delete it?

Please say it isn't so!
I have received a PM from a member who says that he is offended by the word "Ardross" and wishes for "Ardross" to be deleted.

I have passed this on to our new moderator tsoprano.
I make the count of words in this thread which someone could find offensive to be 8, possibly 9, although I haven't quite decided about the word Taleban but I'm sure someone would be offended by it.

The list of offending words follows:

1 - Jordan
2 - gay
3 - the quoted reference to "shirtlifter" and a further mention of it
4 - jaysus
5 - hell
6 - fucking (euro's signature)
7 - pisses
8 - arse

I have decided to be that person and would like all of these words deleted please.

Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Euronymous@Dec 5 2006, 11:30 AM
I was channel flipping, waiting for the Simpsons or some Deal or no Deal to watch.
I wasn't allowed to say flipping as a child, so we can add that too.
The Arse Cup ( in which an awful lot of derogatory remarks were made by a wide selection of members and committee members ) will have to be re opened and re named if 'arse' is to be removed.
The Rectum Trophy?
I get the feeling Ardross makes the decisions of what is right and wrong and what is and isn't allowed on this forum with very little (if any) consultation with his fellow moderators. That, if true, surely needs changing.
I think the person who saw fit to PM a moderator saying they found shirtlifter offensive enough to be deleted should stand up like a man and be counted....I mean c'mon, what is this - a nanny state?!
Fair enough, I mis-read it, I had it in my head that Ardross had said someone had PMd him to ask him to remover it. That'll learn me to pay attention!

Still bloody ridiculous though if you ask me. The world has gone PC mad.
Personally I think so, yes - and it tends to take a lot to offend me! If I remember correctly I objected once on the context in which that was used, I forget what it was though.

Seriously, is "shirtlifter" a hugely offensive term? I don't recall seeing any outpours of horror on the use of "dyke" for example, which I'm sure has been used on here before.
It's nothing to do with being politically correct. Paul O'Grady may have rubbish guests and his show may be awful (I wouldn't know, since I don't watch it), but why he has to be called a derogatory term about his homosexuality, when describing it, is beyond me. I really thought there were a few more grown-up viewpoints on here.

It's nothing to do with saying 'rude' words like **** (which will probably get the *** treatment now). It's all to do with JUDGING PEOPLE ON THE BASIS OF WHO THEY FECK, isn't it? I don't like the terms slag, shag bag, cumbag, jisslicker, cocksucker, shitlicker, and so on, because they are singularly unpleasant pejorative terms aimed at women and homosexual men. I associate them with thickos and men who are probably worried about their own sexual orientation - most of the latter are the most aggressive in promoting these Viz-type unpleasantries. If you use them at home, why don't you keep them there?

Women who don't mind a named homosexual man being called a shirtlifter shouldn't mind if they are themselves called shag bags, should they? I'm sure everyone who's championing the use of 'shirtlifter' won't mind me calling them what I like in future, as apparently they find such terms acceptable. Wankbrains that you are.