It's nothing to do with being politically correct. Paul O'Grady may have rubbish guests and his show may be awful (I wouldn't know, since I don't watch it), but why he has to be called a derogatory term about his homosexuality, when describing it, is beyond me. I really thought there were a few more grown-up viewpoints on here.
It's nothing to do with saying 'rude' words like **** (which will probably get the *** treatment now). It's all to do with JUDGING PEOPLE ON THE BASIS OF WHO THEY FECK, isn't it? I don't like the terms slag, shag bag, cumbag, jisslicker, cocksucker, shitlicker, and so on, because they are singularly unpleasant pejorative terms aimed at women and homosexual men. I associate them with thickos and men who are probably worried about their own sexual orientation - most of the latter are the most aggressive in promoting these Viz-type unpleasantries. If you use them at home, why don't you keep them there?
Women who don't mind a named homosexual man being called a shirtlifter shouldn't mind if they are themselves called shag bags, should they? I'm sure everyone who's championing the use of 'shirtlifter' won't mind me calling them what I like in future, as apparently they find such terms acceptable. Wankbrains that you are.