Playground Corner


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 7, 2004
The Shire
Can I suggest anytime anyone who wants to prove their testicles are bigger than someone else's, or wants to post insults, call names, pull each others hair, or have a good old bitch-slap, they post it here.

I don't like talking for other people but I'm certain, I like very many others, are sick and tired of thread after thread being polluted by absolute crap. The latest one is now a page and half of debate followed by two and a half pages of utter bullsh*t. It;s too often, too tedious, and quite frankly its pathetic.

So here you go, if feel you can't debate in the same normal reasonable way the vast majority do and can, take it over here and get your handbags out and start swinging.

You now have your very own special place to get rid of life's frustrations and alcoholic hazes without ruining good discussion for everyone else.

I know I've just set myself up as a target so go on boys, go for your life! :D
anyone who wants to prove their testicles are bigger than someone else's

I think we have our winner. :lol:



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