Playing The Stock Market.

The art is knowing when to sell BTB. Once I hit a certain threshold, I sell a precentage. I am never brave enough to sell them all. Some you win, some you don't!
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Jan 13 2006, 03:39 PM
Drax up over 14%.
I would sell before the launch of the missile. I've an inkling that something might be amiss there.

Also, never play him at cards. He cheats.
There was an old lady who swallowed a horse... she’s dead, of course.

The suppliers of raw materials such as iron ore and coking coal (the coal used in the manufacture of steel). Fill yer boots.
I have what I suppose could be termed my "safe" portfolio -though I certainly don't call it that - and then there are the punts.

Anyone with a bit of spare cash that they fancy putting into a speculative investment that's not a really silly risk should consider Eureka Mining plc.

They are involved in exploration for mineral deposits, including molybdenum, gold and copper, and mining of them in Kazahstan and other parts of the former Soviet Union.

I have to say that I was accused of buying Eureks shares just so that I could trot out that "I have shares in a molybdenum mine in Kazakhstan" but there was no truth in the accusation at all.
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Jan 13 2006, 03:59 PM
I don't get it.
Sorry Bar, Hugo Drax is a character in the Ian Fleming book "Moonraker" in which he attempts to land a rocket on London. But not until he has been caught cheating at cards (cigarette case mirror in case you're interested) by Mr Bond.